Positive Vibrations
Okay, I am so sick and tired of my hair, it is just this thick, cottony ball and I like my hair straight. All my relaxers have been under processed for the past year with an exception of my August 09 Design Essentials Lye Relaxer, it straightened good, but I want straighter since my roots are straight and my actual hair is still puffy and natural. . PLEASE help ladies, I am so tempted to use a SUPER relaxer for my next one (December). I've heard Bantu is good. PLEASE bone straighters, give your opinions! I am a THICK, coily 4a/4b. I mean, I might as well be natural, everyone already thinks I am. . I just want a real relaxer, just for once...its been a year.....my hair is forcibly going natural. ...Sorry for the mixed emotions it makes me laugh and cry at the same time. TIA and PLEASE help!