Best protein treatment for breakage


New Member
Hey ladies what is the best protein treatment for breakage?
Is it eggs or aphogee? Hey let me know I need to do a protein treatment tonight.

Thanks everyone.
It depends on the source and severity of your breakage.

If your breakage is due to dryness and brittleness, I wouldn't go with a super hardcore protein treatment like DRC 28, Aphogee or Emergencee. I would suggest something like Joico K-Pak in this case. Dudley Hair Rebuilder is also good. A cheaper suggestion would be Motions Moisture Silk Protein Conditioner left on for alittle longer than the directions say. (I'd say 30 minutes, plastic cap, no heat) Following with a moisturizing conditioner is optional.

If you are having breakage due to normal wear and tear on your hair then one of the stronger treatments I mentioned above should work fine. Follow with a moisturizing conditioner.

For very minor breakage or shedding, I would suggest a light protein/moisturizing conditioner such as Deep Brilliance Reconstruct (that's the name of it) , Elucence Extended Moisture Repair, or the same Motions conditioner mentioned above, but only leave it on for the recommended time. Following with a moisturizing conditioner is not necessary. Good luck
Awww thanks for replying. Which one is the best cause I will go buy them all and I don't want to do that. I use to use the emergencee have a bottle at home and I also have some aphogee at home I think they expired though
But have you ever tried eggs?
I have had awesome results with Affirm 5-in-1
. I have been using it once a week (I read that I should do this in a hair mag) and I have had NO breakage. I usually have tons of it no matter what kind of relaxer I use. I just got an Elasta sensitive scalp on 4/19 and began using the Affirm about 4 days later and I am getting great results. In the past I would only use it every two weeks for fear of my hair getting hard. But now I realize my hair needed the preotein more frequently since it is so fine and fragile (brown, 4a/b, extremely dry). I just follow up each condtioning with humectress leave-in and my hair is soft and strong. I hope this helps.

As for the Aphogee, I know this works as well but I can't imagine using it that often b/c it's messy and stinks

I have also heard that Aubrey's GPB is good. I have it but I haven't used it consistently enough to comment on it.
I had to get mine from my hair dresser. Do you know any hair stylist that your cool with? If so, they can go to a specialty shop or any beauty supply store that sells salon-only products for stylist and get it for you b/c you need a license for it. You can also ask your stylist to order it for you. It's a pain to get but well worth it.