Best MSM for hair growth


New Member
I've been taking the powder form of MSM made w/ LIGNISUL for hair growth. I'm kinda tired of taking it in powder form and would like to switch to a potent pill. Is that MSM that is made w/ LIGNISUL the best for hair growth? I don't want to waste my time and take a pill w/ a whole bunch of fillers.

Anyone know a potent MSM in pill form?
kitkat3ny said:
I've been taking the powder form of MSM made w/ LIGNISUL for hair growth. I'm kinda tired of taking it in powder form and would like to switch to a potent pill. Is that MSM that is made w/ LIGNISUL the best for hair growth? I don't want to waste my time and take a pill w/ a whole bunch of fillers.

Anyone know a potent MSM in pill form?

I'm not sure...but what I am sure of is THAT HUGE PONYTAIL YOU HAVE GOING DOWN YOUR BACK!!! Girl, whatever you are using, don't quit now. I love your looks thick and long. I can't wait to get to where you are right now.
Thank you! I know I should be thankful and stay the course but it feels like a nagging chore to chug down orange juice and MSM.
kitkat3ny said:
Thank you! I know I should be thankful and stay the course but it feels like a nagging chore to chug down orange juice and MSM.

I drink the powder MSM Linguisal as well and I know how you feel. I drink mine with unsweetened apple juice/no concentrate. Maybe you can try something different besides Orange Juice and see how that works.
kitkat3ny said:
I've been taking the powder form of MSM made w/ LIGNISUL for hair growth. I'm kinda tired of taking it in powder form and would like to switch to a potent pill. Is that MSM that is made w/ LIGNISUL the best for hair growth? I don't want to waste my time and take a pill w/ a whole bunch of fillers.

Anyone know a potent MSM in pill form?

I hated the powder form lignisul TRIMEDICA msm just made my hair harsher and was bitter. The only potent MSM pill that i took and saw decent results is PURITAN PRIDE MSM pills but for me nothing beats the CARLSON MSM SULFUR POWDER its the only one that diminishes my shrinkage and i can feel the hair grow. if my hair is very harsh and i stopped taking msm for like 3-4months, the day i restart it lets say a week or 2 after the hair is back softer but its the whole strand of hair that changes. When i pass my hand in there it feels straighter but not harsh dry hair;) i have never used heat and so far the hair feels straighter like a blowout!
So I guess I can't get away from the powder. Pills aren't as potent. Thanks ladies. I'll chug along I know it's worth it.
ekomba said:
I hated the powder form lignisul TRIMEDICA msm just made my hair harsher and was bitter. The only potent MSM pill that i took and saw decent results is PURITAN PRIDE MSM pills but for me nothing beats the CARLSON MSM SULFUR POWDER its the only one that diminishes my shrinkage and i can feel the hair grow. if my hair is very harsh and i stopped taking msm for like 3-4months, the day i restart it lets say a week or 2 after the hair is back softer but its the whole strand of hair that changes. When i pass my hand in there it feels straighter but not harsh dry hair;) i have never used heat and so far the hair feels straighter like a blowout!
Girl you gonna have everybody runnnin' to the store, I hope you are happy! LOL ! That's great information !
ekomba said:
I hated the powder form lignisul TRIMEDICA msm just made my hair harsher and was bitter. The only potent MSM pill that i took and saw decent results is PURITAN PRIDE MSM pills but for me nothing beats the CARLSON MSM SULFUR POWDER its the only one that diminishes my shrinkage and i can feel the hair grow. if my hair is very harsh and i stopped taking msm for like 3-4months, the day i restart it lets say a week or 2 after the hair is back softer but its the whole strand of hair that changes. When i pass my hand in there it feels straighter but not harsh dry hair;) i have never used heat and so far the hair feels straighter like a blowout!

Maybe I misunderstood but I thought once the hair grow out of your scalp your internal nutrient does not affect the hair strand. I'm not aware that there are any blood vessels that carry nutrient to the hair outside of the scalp. Is this not so? Maybe your scalp is excreting more oil which travels down your hair strand to moisturize it?
kitkat3ny said:

Yes girl that s the one i use the Carlson MSM SULFUR. I buy mine from cause they never have it in their stores just online. i take 4 teaspoonfuls of powder and put it in my gallon water bottle and drink it all day (i get my vitamin c from my multi or my super b complex pill) but i just drink it with water. 1 teaspoonful equals 3 g or 3000mg of MSM and 1002mg of SULFUR. i take 4 teaspoonfuls so its 12 g or 12,000mg of MSM and 4008mg of pure SULFUR. it s so potent it gets the hair straight you dont need to use a blowdrier lol my family could swear i use heat on my hair but i dont. Some days its nappier when i go cold turkey and dont use for long months but it helps grow your hair fast and lenghten your hair growth cycle so that works for me :grin: it helps keep my hair soft and manageable. Once i reach my goal of waistlength i will only take one teaspoonful 3g just so the hair stays soft:grin:
AtlantaJJ said:
Girl you gonna have everybody runnnin' to the store, I hope you are happy! LOL ! That's great information !

hahaha:lol: you funny AtlantaJJ lol i tried different msms but for one reason when i found that one i knew it was a keeper cause my hair started to change on me overnight lol and you dont have to wait 3 months to see results i m bad i know :lol: if i get results with something lol i let u know straight up:grin: but the only problem with msm and with any you really have to start at low doses and try not to go too far. Each body has a limit i know that i cant do 20,000mg anymore cause you gonna get a sharp pain that kinda stings on the side, even the throat you have to drink loaddddddds of water and lower the msm intake and add gradually till you comfortable. But once you feel that sharp pain the solution is just water and knowing that s the limit, lower the dose. For me its basically trial and error lol you live and learn i remember feeling like a paralysis last year in the middle of Marshalls but in fact it was too much msm 20g and not enough water. When you take higher doses of biotin or msm, you have to increase the water intake as well to flush all that ;)
ekomba said:
When you take higher doses of biotin or msm, you have to increase the water intake as well to flush all that ;)
She's beautiful and she's a chemist! Actually I've been uping my does of MSM slowly, just on instincts because I haven't had any adverse effects yet. I figured I'd inch my way up but I didn't consider going that high with it...
Keen said:
Maybe I misunderstood but I thought once the hair grow out of your scalp your internal nutrient does not affect the hair strand. I'm not aware that there are any blood vessels that carry nutrient to the hair outside of the scalp. Is this not so? Maybe your scalp is excreting more oil which travels down your hair strand to moisturize it?

Hey Keen no the whole strand really changes :lol: i posted pictures in the past on DivineInspiration msm roll call thread i forgot the link but i m try to see if i can repost the pix to show you that the hair can change become nappy again, then straight then it goes in ringlets haha if i lower or add more msm. It s not definitive meaning that if i stopped using it for 6 months i get my afro back let me find that thread and i ll add the link lol ok i find it Keen here s the link:
And mind you at one time when wetting my hair it had ringlets but now that my consumption is lower my hair wet does not wave, its 4b its spongy softer but kinda nappy straight and its the whole hair from roots to tip affected. my new growth was harsher two months ago when i stopped the msm i had a hard time detangling the roots it would hurt a bit if i attempted on dry hair but now when i touch the same harsh roots they deseapeared the fingers just go effortlessly so i cannot explain it but i know i can go back and forth in textures if i want depending on my msm consumption. and i know it s the msm cause at one point i was just taking msm and had run out of all my vits. Msm, biotin and silica can also alter the hair texture
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ekomba...... you know i'm a rehabilitated (ie. broke) PJ. :lol:

Girl I'm going out today to pick me up some of dis here! Seriously the vitamins I had taken had way too much and my skin suffered. Breaking it down into smaller doses is ideal! Thanks!:D
Thanks for the great info., Ekomba :) I'm wondering if anyone knows the average amount of MSM that the body uses (I know it would vary from person to person)? I know that the body flushes out any excess after 12 hours and I don't want to waste MSM that my body isn't going to use.
I have taken MSM in capsul (sp) and then switched to the powdered form. It was like night and day. The powdered MSM is definitely more potent.
Nice & Wavy said:
I drink the powder MSM Linguisal as well and I know how you feel. I drink mine with unsweetened apple juice/no concentrate. Maybe you can try something different besides Orange Juice and see how that works.

Nice & Wavy do you mind posting what brand of apple juice you drink?

ekomba said:
hahaha:lol: you funny AtlantaJJ lol i tried different msms but for one reason when i found that one i knew it was a keeper cause my hair started to change on me overnight lol and you dont have to wait 3 months to see results i m bad i know :lol: if i get results with something lol i let u know straight up:grin: but the only problem with msm and with any you really have to start at low doses and try not to go too far. Each body has a limit i know that i cant do 20,000mg anymore cause you gonna get a sharp pain that kinda stings on the side, even the throat you have to drink loaddddddds of water and lower the msm intake and add gradually till you comfortable. But once you feel that sharp pain the solution is just water and knowing that s the limit, lower the dose. For me its basically trial and error lol you live and learn i remember feeling like a paralysis last year in the middle of Marshalls but in fact it was too much msm 20g and not enough water. When you take higher doses of biotin or msm, you have to increase the water intake as well to flush all that ;)

I switched from powder to crystals and am noticing that I must drink even more water with the crystals. MSM has been good to me and my health. I am thinking about switching to see if the Carlson MSM SULFUR brand is better for me. So far the brand has been good to me...
I'm sure this may be found in another thread, but how much vitamin C is recommended when taking MSM? I've read that for N-acetyl-cysteine, you're supposed to take 3x as much vitamin C as NAC. Would a normal multivitamin provide sufficient vitamin C if I decide to include MSM in my regimen?
