Best Heat Protectant....I LOVE IT!!!


Active Member
Ok so earlier this week I posted a thread on heat protectants for relaxed hair. I got several responses...wrote them all down on a list...and took a visit to the store. I then realized that I forgot my list and I had to try and remember which brands were good.

Well....I first found the Fantasia IC, which I had in hand to purchase and I randomly asked the black girl at the counter what she thought of it (I had the serum not the spray)...and she said that she thought it was too thick and it inhibits the SWANG...she then recommended this other brand.

It was a brand that no one mentioned in the thread called Silk Elements Olive Heat Protectant Spray. I decided to give it a try (along with the Generic version of the CHI Iron Guard).

I used the Silk Elements last night to blow dry my hair and :band2:!!!! I had done a protein treatment, added some leave-in conditioner and a small amount of Frizz ease to the ends of my hair. I let it air dry for a couple of hours and then I blow dried it before bed.....It came out awesome and it smelled great...the SWANG was SWWWAANNNGGGIIINNN'!!!!! I tied it up with a silk scarf and then flat ironed this morning with the CHI. I added more protectant to each section as I was going an it was awesome! I tried the CHI Iron Guard on a couple of sections but it made that crunchy hair effect I was telling yall about, although it wasn't half bad after you combed thru it. I had virtually no broken hairs on the counter after blow drying and that NEVER happens.

Thanks ladies for all of your advice....FYI...I wanted to wear my hair down for a christmas party tonight and then it rained all day and I had to be in and out of it back to bunning!!!

I also posted my products (with pictures) on my Fotki password needed! I am in the process of posting my entire regimine!

Thanks ladies for all of your help and encouragement!
Gald you found something that works!

I may have to search for this product and have a look-see
Oh and let me tell you guys that I did go to the Christmas parties last night and it was still raining (and I still didn't have an umbrella) and my hair still (somehow) looked great!!! I was truly impressed. I wrapped it last night and it was fabo this morning!
Thanks for sharing. You are on your way. Your hair looks very healthy in your fotki pics.
thanks for the recommendation I am going to have to pick some of this up I have been looking for something different to use.