best hair style for hair breakage at the nape?


Well-Known Member
my hair has started to break off at the nape area -the back of my hair. It is not that noticeable because it is hidden. i having being doing braidouts lately-but still experience shedding- i was an avid phonytail wearer but thought that this may have contributed to the breakage? what are some other good hair style suggestions?
You know I had the same problem. I thought it was from wearing a 'do-rag' at night (rubbing in that area)But now I think it may have happened at my previous stylist during comb-out. ANY way.
1. I put oil on that part religiously everyday.
2. I do not undercomb my hair there
3. Ponytails that are held with rubber-bands are no-nos. Even if they are the safe kind. I wear buns using plastic bobby pins, or duck-clips.
Good luck.

Make sure you get that area trimmed to prevent the splits from travelling upwards resulting in more breakage. Also, make sure not to wear your ponytails too tight and to take a break from tying your satin scarf at that area. Keep it moisturized and you should notice it growing back in.

Good luck!
I agree with hairlove too, keep that area trimmed , i suggest using some castor oil or some moisturiser there religiously.
sorry i cant offer any styles
Is ur hair rubbing across ur clothes? Try wearing a style that will lift the hair off ur shoulders... sometimes I'll just pin my hair up with a claw clip