best hair compliment, not getting weave checked, lol


Well-Known Member
i never considered getting weave checked a compliment, each their own.

so, i was in the bathroom today minding my business when a co-worker said to me, "who does your hair? do you get it done in town?" wow. this may not be a big deal to some but it is to me because i became a diyer overnight after moving 100 miles from my stylist a year ago. it's great knowing that i'm doing it right, lol. i have learned so much from this board so i wanted to share it here and to thank all of you. i learned so much that someone thought it was always salon fresh, lol.

i have no pics of my hair today b/c i just washed it. i can assure you it was nothing special - it was dirty and i used my carusos to create waves.

thanks to everyone who responds to posts, shares their techniques and reviews products. you ladies rock!

what's the best compliment you've received about your hair?
The chairperson of the poli sci department in my school complemented me on my big chop and told me I looked intellectual. I was still very self-conscious about my BC but after hearing those words it made me feel a lot more confident!
I got a nice one the other night. This guy I've been dating was staring at me for a while then he goes "You have nice hair. And it's not that it's long (I'm slowly pushing BSL) but it's big and out there (I got a textured flatiron the same day). It's sexy." I almost melted.

I have/had thin and fine hair for most of my life so it was nice to hear someone call it big for once. OR just to say "You have a lot of hair." That's probably the best compliment so far, lol.
I wear buns when folks see it out they are shocked especially if it's been a while.

My SIL came up behind me and said, "Girl I thought that was Tasha with a new wig on" (Tasha is her daughter)
My Cousin asked, "girl where did you get all that hair from?"
those were on the same day I was probably 13 - 14 weeks post relaxer.

This past weekend my older sister, whose hair I absolutely LOVE kept staring at my hair and finally blurted out, "Your hair is so big, I didn't realize how much you have and how thick it really is, it's so pretty I wish my hair would do that." That I couldn't beleive since I've lusted after her hair my entire life.
Best hair compliment I've had recently came from the woman who sits on the pew behind me at church. At the end of service she "interviewed" me about what I have been doing to my hair. Going on and on about how much it has grown and how healthy it looked. LOL I don't think she heard a word the pastor preached.
I took my hijab off to get my hair cut. I was behind a screen but some of the other girls at the hair school asked if they could see.

I am not self-conscious about my hair, its covered for religious purposes.

One lady said, your hair is so beautiful, OMG. Another said, its so silky, not ... she didn't want to say as to not offend anyone, but I understood what she was saying.

Its the nicest compliment I've had recently that I can remember.
Yesterday (Friday, really) my co-worker said, "I wish my hair could do that" staring at my three twists in front of my bun! She looked so wistful! I just told her I have tiny tiny curls that help them stay in place. She looked so envious I was shocked (she is not black)!
Two weeks ago two other female colleagues (both black) asked what I do with my hair and said it's "gorgeous"! I'm glad my buns are looking good 'cause I'm riding these all the way to WL! :lol: :woot:
A friend of mine I work with (white) looked at my head--within earshot of others--and just blurted out, "Are you wearing a hairpiece?"

She didn't win the Tact trophy for that comment, but I took it as a compliment anyway. It also felt good to say within earshot of others, "no sweetie- this is all mine."