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returning my suave humectant tomorrow. i guess cheapies aren't for me. for years ive used Lafier collagen and placenta, but i learned hear that placenta isnt good for us. whats the best domican conditioner? im looking at lacio lacio, nacidit wheat germ and miss key 10 en 1. silicon mix is out of the question. NO CONES FOR ME!!
If you can't do the Silicon Mix then Emergencia or Miss Keys 10 en 1 are both really good. Can't leave out La Bomba! All three are great for your hair. My hair loves the 10 en 1 but I use that for my co-washes. I dc with Silicon Mix my hair loves it.
im having like some bump in my regimen, i ran out of conditioner and now it just seems like i wont find a good one again. im looking on sickbay and everything either has a sulfate or a cones. the nacidit avocado looks like the best one, but it has mineral oil. anyone know anything about it?
I really like miss key 10 n 1 deep conditioner.

i dont really use a dominican regular conditioner but i use miss key like a regular one i jus lather it on and leave it for 5 mins or so...

i use the sarlem wheat germ for serious conditioning so i guess i am a serious dominican product user.
I hesitate to say any one of them is "the best" because results depend on the individual. Miss Key's acts like a straight up protein treatment on me that has to be followed with a moisturizing dc . Just trying to save you the trouble I went through trying a lot of dominican dcs last summer. If your hair acts funny about protein mind the labels on whatever you try. Nacidit Olive, Avocado are staples of mine. They instantly soften, detangle and moisturize my hair. I have also the honey and almond, but it is less moisturizing than the other 2 I mentioned.
I hesitate to say any one of them is "the best" because results depend on the individual. Miss Key's acts like a straight up protein treatment on me that has to be followed with a moisturizing dc . Just trying to save you the trouble I went through trying a lot of dominican dcs last summer. If your hair acts funny about protein mind the labels on whatever you try. Nacidit Olive, Avocado are staples of mine. They instantly soften, detangle and moisturize my hair. I have also the honey and almond, but it is less moisturizing than the other 2 I mentioned.

im having a tough time right now, with protein moisture balance. than calcium and mineral deposits. oy veh .....thanx for your imput.
I love the Nacidit Olive Oil conditioner. I use this as a deep conditioner and it leaves my hair so soft. This is one of my staples!!!
ive been in search of a new dominican dc i have emergencia at home that i really love but i probably dont need that much protien every week anymore, that stuff nursed my hair back to health

i started using silicon mix and 10 in 1. i didnt like silicon mix at first but then i tried it a few more times and its like it just woke up my hair and made it really nice and slipperey roller setting wa a breeze. 10 in 1 worked great the first time but then its affects tappered off. now neither of them are giving me the slip i desire.

i think i want to try that la bomba with avocado creme does anyone have any reviews on that?
I jumped on the Silicon Mix in a really big way but I think I was over using it and the cones and mineral oil took a toll on my hair.

I am in the process of making an adjustment. I still like it but I don't think:nono: I can use it every time. You are wise to be careful with the cones & mineral oil.
i tried miss keys 10 en 1 for the first time last nite, and my hair was SOOOOO SOFT!!!!!! i'm in love :couple: i think i've FINALLY found my staple moisturizing DC
I've tried pretty close to everything, and that's not an over exaggeration. For ME, the best is D'Fina 11 en 1. Closely followed by Silicon Mix. These are staples, and I use Emergencia too but not very often. The Emergencia is very popular in DR. I don't really pay attention to ingredient labels, so you may want to do your own research to figure out what you may like best for your hair. Some sites sell a lot of the products in 8 oz. jars for $2.99 and $3.99 if you wanna try something w/o being committed to a 16 + oz jar of something you don't really like.
I love Emergencia! I'm a PJ so Im still trying different products, but so far it's Emergencia hands down. Emergencia give me moisture and elasticity :yep:. When I need a 'hard core' treatement, I add Aphogee.