Benign Neglect


Well-Known Member
Mmkay...:::lip pop:::

I got this idea from LHC.

I think i am gonna go into a mode when i do almost nothing to it for like...the rest of the year.

I usually do my wng's everyday...but i think im gonna start doing them weekly since i am able to get multiple day hair.

Just make Saturday or Sunday my day to wash and deep condition and style and just refresh it everyday. And put it up.

Now that my hair is back to where i consider MY hair really long...i think i want to start doing this. My regimen is already very simple...but i want to leave it alone even more.

Any takers?

**disclaimer** i got this my cup...:look:...:lol:

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I wish I could, but my scalp can't stand more than 3 days before I have to co-cleanse. Other than that I'm all about the benign neglect now, and I'm seeing results. Let me just say the Buff is like a little miracle for my hair, because it means for 2-3 days all I have to do is spray it, and thas it. Less manipulation, less shedding, 0 breakage, moisture is high, no frustrations. I literally just Wash n Go now, no twists, braids, buns....nada. And I really can hear my hair thanking me for leaving her in peace!
That's what I have always done.
I braid or twist my hair up on Sunday and moisturize each day with my spray bottle mixture. I leave it hanging or put it up.
MrsJaiDiva said:
I wish I could, but my scalp can't stand more than 3 days before I have to co-cleanse. Other than that I'm all about the benign neglect now, and I'm seeing results. Let me just say the Buff is like a little miracle for my hair, because it means for 2-3 days all I have to do is spray it, and thas it. Less manipulation, less shedding, 0 breakage, moisture is high, no frustrations. I literally just Wash n Go now, no twists, braids, buns....nada. And I really can hear my hair thanking me for leaving her in peace!

Okay so we are....>>>>>here<<<< because i can barely go 3 days without washing my scalp. But a week is my ultimate limit. My scalp starts to itch like crazy!!!

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Hair is part of my routine, but it doesn't feel like it. Kind of like waking up each morning and brushing my teeth. Jump in the shower. Hair not to my liking? I co-wash. Sealing my hair is just like me putting on lotion. Going out for the night? I put gel (homemade flaxseed gel) in my hair, just like I would put on make-up. Putting a scarf on at night is just like me putting on my PJ's.

So I guess you can say I "neglect" my hair because I don't really have a style besides WnGs. But I'm taking care of my hair and its healthy. So its working for me.
Hair is part of my routine, but it doesn't feel like it. Kind of like waking up each morning and brushing my teeth. Jump in the shower. Hair not to my liking? I co-wash. Sealing my hair is just like me putting on lotion. Going out for the night? I put gel (homemade flaxseed gel) in my hair, just like I would put on make-up. Putting a scarf on at night is just like me putting on my PJ's.

So I guess you can say I "neglect" my hair because I don't really have a style besides WnGs. But I'm taking care of my hair and its healthy. So its working for me.

So true
It's just part of the daily hygiene routine.
Wash day is a different story though.
I love a super simple routine. I've been washing with just water, exfoliating my scalp with sugar and coconut oil. I towel dry then apply a few drops of coconut oil and braid in 4 or 5 large braids until dry. That's that, no shampoo, no conditioner, no hair product (except coconut oil) and no heat. My hair has never been happier.
kinkycurlygurl said:
I love a super simple routine. I've been washing with just water, exfoliating my scalp with sugar and coconut oil. I towel dry then apply a few drops of coconut oil and braid in 4 or 5 large braids until dry. That's that, no shampoo, no conditioner, no hair product (except coconut oil) and no heat. My hair has never been happier.

That IS pretty simple! I envy ppl who can do water only or strictly conditioner washing only, ever. hair needs a sulfate at least once or twice a month. I like the Tresemme Naturals shampoo, it has lower sulfates. I usually shampoo once a week or every 2 weeks. I tried going strictly CO...:nono:

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Benign neglect seems to work for me. My recent setback reinforced the need to not go beyond weekly shampoos and DCs, refreshing every 3-4 days by misting with my water mixture, air drying in a ponytail/braid, pinning it up and leaving it alone. Frequent DCs and co-washing may feel good, but they cause too much havoc in the end.
I'm trying to figure out a routine for this. Usually, I'd wash once a week and braid/twist and take down for 1-2 days that week. But now I have a job that I have to be "on" in terms of appearance and I don't want to overmanipulate but still have to keep the hair stretched somehow.
I'm trying to figure out a routine for this. Usually, I'd wash once a week and braid/twist and take down for 1-2 days that week. But now I have a job that I have to be "on" in terms of appearance and I don't want to overmanipulate but still have to keep the hair stretched somehow.

Maybe try leaving the twists in for 1-2 weeks at a time.

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Ok…so would this work?

Braid up for a week
Take down and wear hair out for approx. 2 days

That's about all I do, with a little moisturizing and sealing throughout the week. It seems to be doing the trick!
drmuffin said:
Ok…so would this work?

Braid up for a week
Take down and wear hair out for approx. 2 days

That's about all I do, with a little moisturizing and sealing throughout the week. It seems to be doing the trick!


When i think of benign neglect, i define it as being lazy as possible with your hair. If i can go from styling everyday to only redoing my wash n go every neglecting my hair....benignly.

All id do that week is add a little water, add a little product as needed and just put it back in a ponytail/bun/puff.

None of that daily detangling and frequent washing that i do now.

I may try this when its starts to cool down.

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When i think of benign neglect, i define it as being lazy as possible with your hair. If i can go from styling everyday to only redoing my wash n go every neglecting my hair....benignly.

All id do that week is add a little water, add a little product as needed and just put it back in a ponytail/bun/puff.

None of that daily detangling and frequent washing that i do now.

I may try this when its starts to cool down.

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See I don't even detangle my hair. :look: The only thing I do that resembles detangling is a finger detangle when I'm washing. And it's not even that thorough. No comb touches this head!
See I don't even detangle my hair. :look: The only thing I do that resembles detangling is a finger detangle when I'm washing. And it's not even that thorough. No comb touches this head!

I too only finger detangle/finger comb.

I actually just used a shower comb this past weekend to see if i was really detangling well with just my fingers....i passed the test! lol!:lol: And i had gone about 3 months completely comb-free!! So even if you don't think it's most likely is!:yep:

I will now only reserve combs for whenever i straighten.
I too only finger detangle/finger comb.

I actually just used a shower comb this past weekend to see if i was really detangling well with just my fingers....i passed the test! lol!:lol: And i had gone about 3 months completely comb-free!! So even if you don't think it's most likely is!:yep:

I will now only reserve combs for whenever i straighten. I can't live life without my bohn comb. I'm convinced my fingers are too fat for finger detangling. :blush: it's got like 4 or 5 teeth, and does a way better job than my sausage hands. :lol:
drmuffin said:
lol @ sausage hands!!

I likes sawssage :lick:...

But does take some getting used to.

Now im all hungry...foolin w/dr muffin and a sausage-handed lady!:nono: lol!!!

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I haven't used a comb either in about a year or so. I just feel like there's no real reason to. My hair is not tangled (at least as much as it can be for kinky hair) and I can get through it if I want to.
I likes sawssage :lick:...

But does take some getting used to.

Now im all hungry...foolin w/dr muffin and a sausage-handed lady!:nono: lol!!!

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chiiiile…don't have me about to raid the kitchen now…I'm trying to suppress the hunger! :lachen: I may have some more Capt. Morgan though...:look:
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Im actually eager to see the results of this.

I wouldnt call my routine neglect, but I definitely do less than most ladies.
OP, I have just decided to simplify my regi. I will be washing/dc on wednesday, throw some big twist, spritz daily and undo the twist for a twist out on sunday for church!!! sunday night will DC on dry har 9light protein, as my hair loves protein) and cowash.
I have been cowashing everyday, did my hair good, but i don't want to deal with it everyday on a full time basis!
I'm appreciating the fact that we have a name for it now, lol. I do this, wear my protective style and rinse/ co wash my hair in braids every morning. Take down my cornrows for a good wash and dc and then do it all over again. But I've realized that the longer my hair gets, the less I mess with it. Or want to.
Msmchy said:
I'm appreciating the fact that we have a name for it now, lol. I do this, wear my protective style and rinse/ co wash my hair in braids every morning. Take down my cornrows for a good wash and dc and then do it all over again. But I've realized that the longer my hair gets, the less I mess with it. Or want to. starting to kinda feel like this. Only im becoming a chronic ponytailer! Lol

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SmilingElephant said: starting to kinda feel like this. Only im becoming a chronic ponytailer! Lol

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For past few weeks, my post-cowash hairstyle has been a ponytail or bun. It saves product as I only really put product on my ends when it is up and it is a two minute style. I did a WnG today and was reminded how much I love them :)
SmilingElephant said: starting to kinda feel like this. Only im becoming a chronic ponytailer! Lol

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That's been my go to style too

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me loves neglecting my hair! ive had better success with just leaving it alone for the most part. wash and dc weekly. as long as my scalp is happy, im happy. but with this TWA, i have every intention of braiding or weaving it up til 2013. lazy is good :)
I followed your relaxed journey and now your natural progress, I must say it is impressive! I'm doing very little now but my hair MUST be moisturized and sealed at the very least 3-4 times per week or I'm headed for a setback.