Benefits of using Dominican Products


Well-Known Member
I was interested in trying out some Dominican Products. I was wondering what is the benefits of using Dominican products over regular products like Redken and Joico? Are they better for the hair?
ok, I am latina and have used dominican products for most of my life. They work and are good to an extent. The good thing about them is that they are cheap compared to the mainstream brands and work just as well, IMHO. Its about mixing and matching to find what works for you.

Now with that said, after trying some of the recommendations on this board, naturals/organic products are the way to go. From what I have seen on my own hair, using natural/organics products give the best results. I relax so porosity, elasticity, and retaining moisture was a huge problem for me but no more. I wasted so much money and my new routine is so much cheaper.

Again, this is based on my own personal experience. Others have had major success from using dominican products.
Thanks for the reply. Which organic and natural brands do you use and how soon was it before you noticed the differences.
Explosiva so glad your new routine is working out so well for you. That's great news hun! keep up the good work. LOL...I'll let you explain what your using or point her to the threads!