Benefits of Sealing? *Newbie*


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to forums, not new to being natural (2 yrs!). My main reason for joining is to gain knowledge (learning new techniques, regimes, products, hairstyles). At this point in my natural journey I've been in kind of a slump where I do the same thing to my hair everyday. It grows and is healthy, thankfully I've been blessed to never have much problem with that throughout my life. So I'm not really here for growth but for maintenance and spicing things up, trying new things! I'm excited to join such a lovely forum with such lovely ladies!

One question though, are there any other benefits to sealing with oil rather than for shine? Searching through the forums I couldn't find any clear cut answers. Please direct me to a past thread if it's been answered before. I've never sealed my hair and only recently found out it was a thing.

Thanks in advance!
:dance7::dance7::dance7::dance7: WELCOME!

I not too sure but I believe that the main benefit is that it seals in the moisturizer. Hopefully the other ladies will be able to help you w/ a better answer.:yep:
If your hair is growing good like u stated you may not need to change anything including the way you moisturize. However if your using a water based moisturizer (as u should be) and you notice your hair gets dry shortly after then you may want to try sealing which seals the moisture into the hair and keeps the hair moisturized longer. Hth
Oh and WELCOME!!!!
But if you seal, doesn't that keep you from being able to moisturize your hair effectively the next day, assuming the sealant keeps moisture from getting in?
When I baggie (usually overnight) it not only moisturizes it but it makes it sooooo soft and more easy to come through. I am natural as well, and sometimes detangling after washing can be beast! but when I baggie, its so easy...I love it! Baggying also defines my curls more. I dont have to use as much product to bring my curl pattern out
Well for me, since I am natural. It doesn't matter how much I moisturize the day before, I have learned that my hair needs moisturizer of some form everyday... if not it tangles easy...

But if you seal, doesn't that keep you from being able to moisturize your hair effectively the next day, assuming the sealant keeps moisture from getting in?
Doesn't it also help minimize split ends? Since your sebum (the oil that your body makes) can't travel down to the ends of your hair as easily as it would with straight hair.
Welcome! :)

By the next day or two, it has soaked into the hair. There is so much good information on this site. Have fun with your search! :D
But if you seal, doesn't that keep you from being able to moisturize your hair effectively the next day, assuming the sealant keeps moisture from getting in?

you know Ive always wondered about this .... but I still moisturize and seal

Welcome! :)

By the next day or two, it has soaked into the hair. There is so much good information on this site. Have fun with your search! :D

Of fo real ?!? :drunk:

OP from what I understand the main reason for sealing is to keep in moisture
For me, sealing with oil helps to slow down the evaporation of water/moisture from within the hair strand, allowing the hair to retain moisture for a longer period of time. In other words, it contains and slows the erosion of all the goodies that were put into and onto the hair. It also serves as an effective lubricant for styling and manipulation purposes.

To address Postal’s question, most hair products, including oil, will wear away over time, which is why it is necessary to incorporate proteins and other replenishing additives into our regimens. Additionally, since some oils are able to penetrate the hair strand to some degree, they will not impede a person’s ability to re-moisturize their hair at a later time.
Thank you all very much! I think I should incorporate it more in my routine. I might think my hair is healthy but I don't pay as much attention to it as you ladies on this board do so it may not be! Which is also another reason why I will find this forum helpful. I think it's time I give my hair more tlc.

Thank you again everyone for your answers!