Benefits of Flaxseed Gel


Darkside of the moon
I'm reconsidering bunning for the Summer since I had such awesome results and positive experience when bunning for the entirety while on vacation.

I used Eco-Styler to slick my hair back and hold it in place but that ish is MAAADDDAD thick and hard to rinse out (and I co-wash only!)!

Kinky-Curly Custard is a good substitute for Eco-Styler because it's non-drying and rinses out easily but it's MAAAADDD expensive!

So what about Flaxseed Gel? My questions are:

1.) Does it give superior hold?
2.) Is it drying?
3.) Does it rinse out easily?
4.) Some recipie suggstions would be nice!

Thanks in advance!
I'm reconsidering bunning for the Summer since I had such awesome results and positive experience when bunning for the entirety while on vacation.

I used Eco-Styler to slick my hair back and hold it in place but that ish is MAAADDDAD thick and hard to rinse out (and I co-wash only!)!

Kinky-Curly Custard is a good substitute for Eco-Styler because it's non-drying and rinses out easily but it's MAAAADDD expensive!

So what about Flaxseed Gel? My questions are:

1.) Does it give superior hold?
2.) Is it drying?
3.) Does it rinse out easily?
4.) Some recipie suggstions would be nice!

Thanks in advance!

1. When you make flaxseed gel you can change the ratio around to get more hold if you like. When you boil the flaxseeds, just add less water. It will give it a thicker consistency and a better hold. Also adding oils will preserve it a little longer, but it will give it less hold.

2. NO! It is actually moisturizing. When I want to refresh my WnGs, I just add more Flaxseed gel onto my hair. It gives it the needed moisture its looking for, as well as additional hold.

3. It rinses out VERY easily. A Medium powerful showerhead will rinse out flaxseed gel well enough by itself. Also you can add more flaxseed gel the next day to refresh and there will be no build up like you can get with other gels or adding extra conditioner.

4. I will use the basic formula with 1 cup water to 2 tbsp flaxseed. But I sometimes like to add a tsp of castor oil and a few drops of jasmine essential oil for smell.
I've only used it once for a WnG and the heat in Atlanta has been insane so I've been having trouble taking care of my hair all together, so my opinion might be a little premature and uneducated but I will share my experience.

1.) Does it give superior hold?
The hold was not as strong as when I used KCCC or One n Only Argan Oil Curl Cream. No gel like crunch. The recipe I used required a lot of water, so that would explain they the hold was so loose, I didn't have an issue with it though.
2.) Is it drying?
NO! My hair was super soft
3.) Does it rinse out easily?
The same as washing out any other product I've used, but I haven't used many products so that may not be the best assessment.
4.) Some recipie suggstions would be nice!
I don't remember who's video I watched but the recipe was 1/4 cup flaxseeds to 2 cups water. She said you can add whatever oils you want. She added her oils as her gel was cooing in the container. I didn't add any pre-pressed oils. I took some leaves from my mother's rosemary plant, bruised them and added them into the mix as I boiled them and they got strained out with the seeds themselves. Put the seeds in an airtight container and froze them per LilMissRed, and she says she reuses them twice.
Would be able to use this as a "Moisturizer" in itself?


I would have to say no. In itself, its not a moisturizer, but it does have moisturizing capabilities. And its definitely not drying.

Does it leave a white or dull residue on the hair? TIA


I have not had any issues with residue from flaxseed gel. And some days I'll just add more flaxseed gel in my hair on top of what I put in the day before. Just to refresh my hair. And I still do not see any type of buildup
[USER][/USER]KurlyNinja, Thank you for the response I am going to give this a try, and I am going to try out your recipe, I have been making an irish moss gel as well which is supposed to be good because of the sulphur and trace mineral content, (I love it don't get me wrong. but I want a little bit more hold) So thank you again, I will keep you posted!
I havent used regular 'gel' since trying the flaxseed gel :love:

It gives a soft, but good hold... I use it when I do two strand twists and when I wear a bun or puff and get great results each time. unlike the regualar gels.. I dont panic when I go to bed with this gel in my hair.

1.) Does it give superior hold? wait superior??? I mean dont get me wrong.. I get a nice hold but my hair is 'moveable' which is my goal.. I dont want the hard hold if that makes sense
2.) Is it drying? NO. very moisturizing. leaves my hair soft.. very soft... sometimes its hard to believe Ive used a 'gel'
3.) Does it rinse out easily? yes, takes medial or less effort to get it out
4.) Some recipie suggstions would be nice! I tend to vary with my recipes..1 cup water to about 2-3 tsps seeds work for me.. of course u can add more or less water depending on the type hold ur trying to achieve. I also add tea tree oil to my mix ( for my seborrheic dermatitis) and I add jojoba oil (cause its good for the scalp) I also store it in a dark colored, lidded jar in the back of my fridge
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Thanks to all the lovely ladies who answered my (and others!) questions!

I am very intrigued and will definitely try to out! I might tweak it with some glycerin, agave nectar or oils to see how my hair responds...this has awakened the mixologist in me, LOL!

Thanks again!