
Team Fluid
For me seeing is believing. So I see so many beautiful heads of hair talkin bout pre pooing and i never got the point...until yesterday. i showed up to get my acrylic overlay filled in, but had a bit of a wait. its my normal place so i felt comfortable playing with stuff:grin:. after sitting for a while I noticed my cuticles were looking a lil rough so i doused them in that oil that they normally use b4 they tell u to wash your hands. finally it was my normally the acetone nail polish remover they use dries the skin out around my nails out BAD. Im talking IMMEDIATE ASH!! but guess what, because i pre poo'd NO DRYING OUT. Now i get that its the same concept with my hair.:yep: Sooo what are you relaxed heads using for pre poo???
I use Burt's Bees and EVOO = lush! I was lazy with the prepoos this year but I'm going to seriously make this step a proper part of my regimen for 2010. I'm going to start using my Philip Kingsley's Elasticizer when my Burt Bees runs out.
60% of the time I use Vatika Oil

20% Alma Oil

or 20% cheapie conditioners

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Thanks for all the info guys. From the looks of ur replies anything that provides some moisture will suffice. So from now on Pre poo I will do!!!
20% Alma Oil

What!?!? Girl this is the STUFF!! I pre-poo with Amla oil AAALLLLLLL the time. 2x's per week for an hour before every wash :yep:

Those Indians really found something in that gooseberry fruit...amla keeps my hair dark, its keeps my hair strong, it smells great (in MY opinion), it keeps shedding/breakage to a minimum, its promoting some nice growth....there's no end to the praises I have for Amla oil. Don't even care that the Dabur version contains mineral oil!!! It cannot be absorbed and I simply clarify that away....but my hair absorbs the tremendous benefits of the amla fruit!! Great stuff!!