Believing What You Know, Not Just What You Hear!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14 (NIV).

A good read! Be blessed by it!

I was thrilled to hear the good news. I had a bad case of winter blues, and the television weatherman had forecasted unusually warm spring-like days for the entire week. However, as I was driving to church that evening, I heard quite a different forecast on the radio. The announcer predicted cold days ahead; highs in the forties, and rain.

What happened to the amazing forecast that the TV weatherman had predicted? I felt my spirit drop as I thought about yet another cold week to endure. Immediately I shared my disappointment with my husband and friends, even convincing them that the weather forecast had obviously changed.

But as I watched TV later that evening, the weatherman was predicting sunny weather once again. Beautiful days, mid-seventies, with the possibility of breaking a record high.

What?! I was so confused. I finally determined that the radio must have been playing the wrong forecast by accident. Somehow, I think the wrong buttons had been pushed, and the wrong information was sent out over the air for thousands of people to hear...if they had heard the television forecast too, they were surely as perplexed as I was.

I had heard information that contradicted what I knew to be true, but since it seemed to be from a trustworthy source, I readily believed it. I even shared that information with friends and family, only later to realize that I had been misled and misinformed.

In the same way, today's culture does an excellent job of sending us wrong information, misleading us about right and wrong, and convincing us that their opinion is accurate.

Take tolerance, for example. The term "tolerance" seems to imply, by today's standards, that anything and everything is morally equivalent. Society tries to convince people that the truth is relative, open for interpretation, and apt to be changed if anyone wants it to be different.

With this in mind, and due to the fact that there is a smorgasbord of beliefs to choose from, it is imperative that Christians stay keenly aware of whether or not we are believing what we know, versus believing what we hear.

The Bible clearly states that God set moral laws for His people, and the outline of what is right and wrong is written with great clarity. Knowing that, do we allow ourselves to be swayed by information that does not line up with God's Word? Do we follow the crowd, even when it is operating on inaccurate information? Do we act on questionable truths, just because it seems that everyone else believes it to be true?

As believers, we have the incredible responsibility of being sure that we place what the Bible says over what well-intentioned (even trustworthy or respected) people may say. If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?

1 Thessalonian 5:21 says, "Don't suppress the Spirit, and don't stifle those who have a word from the Master. On the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what's good. Throw out anything tainted with evil" (MSG). The thing that is good, is what is written in The Bible -- the inspired Word of God.

If you ever question whether or not something you hear is true, and before you share it with others who could be influenced by your statements, check it out against God's Word. The truth will be confirmed in the scriptures, and that is a source you can believe in.
I've had (still kinda have) a problem with this for a LONG time. I started praying to God for wisdom and understanding. It didnt work. Then I started reading my bible more, then it worked. LOL! Lesson Learned: You can't exclude the bible from anything. Oh and a good study bible, concordence and dictionary does the trick.
I've had (still kinda have) a problem with this for a LONG time. I started praying to God for wisdom and understanding. It didnt work. Then I started reading my bible more, then it worked. LOL! Lesson Learned: You can't exclude the bible from anything. Oh and a good study bible, concordence and dictionary does the trick.
That's can't exclude the bible. The Holy Spirit will teach us the things we need to know:yep:

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14 (NIV).

A good read! Be blessed by it!:yep:

I was thrilled to hear the good news. I had a bad case of winter blues, and the television weatherman had forecasted unusually warm spring-like days for the entire week. However, as I was driving to church that evening, I heard quite a different forecast on the radio. The announcer predicted cold days ahead; highs in the forties, and rain.

What happened to the amazing forecast that the TV weatherman had predicted? I felt my spirit drop as I thought about yet another cold week to endure. Immediately I shared my disappointment with my husband and friends, even convincing them that the weather forecast had obviously changed.

But as I watched TV later that evening, the weatherman was predicting sunny weather once again. Beautiful days, mid-seventies, with the possibility of breaking a record high.

What?! I was so confused. I finally determined that the radio must have been playing the wrong forecast by accident. Somehow, I think the wrong buttons had been pushed, and the wrong information was sent out over the air for thousands of people to hear...if they had heard the television forecast too, they were surely as perplexed as I was.

I had heard information that contradicted what I knew to be true, but since it seemed to be from a trustworthy source, I readily believed it. I even shared that information with friends and family, only later to realize that I had been misled and misinformed.

In the same way, today's culture does an excellent job of sending us wrong information, misleading us about right and wrong, and convincing us that their opinion is accurate.

Take tolerance, for example. The term "tolerance" seems to imply, by today's standards, that anything and everything is morally equivalent. Society tries to convince people that the truth is relative, open for interpretation, and apt to be changed if anyone wants it to be different.

With this in mind, and due to the fact that there is a smorgasbord of beliefs to choose from, it is imperative that Christians stay keenly aware of whether or not we are believing what we know, versus believing what we hear.

The Bible clearly states that God set moral laws for His people, and the outline of what is right and wrong is written with great clarity. Knowing that, do we allow ourselves to be swayed by information that does not line up with God's Word? Do we follow the crowd, even when it is operating on inaccurate information? Do we act on questionable truths, just because it seems that everyone else believes it to be true?

As believers, we have the incredible responsibility of being sure that we place what the Bible says over what well-intentioned (even trustworthy or respected) people may say. If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?

1 Thessalonian 5:21 says, "Don't suppress the Spirit, and don't stifle those who have a word from the Master. On the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what's good. Throw out anything tainted with evil" (MSG). The thing that is good, is what is written in The Bible -- the inspired Word of God.

If you ever question whether or not something you hear is true, and before you share it with others who could be influenced by your statements, check it out against God's Word. The truth will be confirmed in the scriptures, and that is a source you can believe in.
Now see! Now you done gone up and started something up in here! You ain't said nothing but the truth, "Believing What You KNOW'.....

And don't I KNOW some stuff!

Jesus, Lord God All Mighty!

Praise Him!

I don't KNOW it all, but I DO KNOW enough to say 'YES! I Do Believe!', I believe because I KNOW!

Praise Him!

As always, Precious Wavy, you are posting what you KNOW. :clapping:

Somebody betta' tell it! And you always do. :amen:
As believers, we have the incredible responsibility of being sure that we place what the Bible says over what well-intentioned (even trustworthy or respected) people may say. If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?

:yep: :yep: :yep: Yes, the Word of God is my ONLY answer.
Now see! Now you done gone up and started something up in here! You ain't said nothing but the truth, "Believing What You KNOW'.....

And don't I KNOW some stuff!

Jesus, Lord God All Mighty!

Praise Him!

I don't KNOW it all, but I DO KNOW enough to say 'YES! I Do Believe!', I believe because I KNOW!

Praise Him!

As always, Precious Wavy, you are posting what you KNOW. :clapping:

Somebody betta' tell it! And you always do. :amen:

Bless you always, sis!:kiss:

As believers, we have the incredible responsibility of being sure that we place what the Bible says over what well-intentioned (even trustworthy or respected) people may say. If we doubt that the Bible is the one absolute truth, what other source of truth are we looking to?


Actually, nowhere in the whole Bible will you read that the Bible is the ONE absolute truth, especially since the Bible as we know it wasn't even a single book until later. . .You will however find passages that mention both sacred scripture and tradition being important. Sadly, many Christians have lost the sacred traditions that were handed down from our Jewish ancestors to our early Christian fathers to the point that most of us think they are "man made" or "made up" or even of "pagan origin." :nono:

But you're exactly right--we are called to actually KNOW our faith (which supports tradition) and not believe just what we hear (which mostly is to disregard those traditions because they're not familiar). :yep:
There are many things that are NOT in the Bible, yet the Holy Spirit reveals the TRUTH of God's Word to Christians who are listening to His voice.

The Holy Spirit, Jesus said, will bring all things to our remembrance. And because of that...that's all I need:grin:.

The Word of God is TRUTH...that's all I need!

Thank you for your post.


Actually, nowhere in the whole Bible will you read that the Bible is the ONE absolute truth, especially since the Bible as we know it wasn't even a single book until later. . .You will however find passages that mention both sacred scripture and tradition being important. Sadly, many Christians have lost the sacred traditions that were handed down from our Jewish ancestors to our early Christian fathers to the point that most of us think they are "man made" or "made up" or even of "pagan origin." :nono:

But you're exactly right--we are called to actually KNOW our faith (which supports tradition) and not believe just what we hear (which mostly is to disregard those traditions because they're not familiar). :yep:
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There are many things that are NOT in the Bible, yet the Holy Spirit reveals the TRUTH of God's Word to Christians who are listening to His voice.

The Holy Spirit, Jesus said, will bring all things to our remembrance. And because of that...that's all I need:grin:.

The Word of God is TRUTH...that's all I need!

Thank you for your post.

The Holy Spirit reveals the fullness of truth through both sacred scripture and tradition. :yep: I am grateful to have the richness of both. :yep:
This scripture ministers to me...

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14 (NIV).

What I'm seeing today, Pastors supporting what one group calls their 'civil rights', and misleading their congregations. They are tossing their flocks to and fro, every false wind of doctrine.

This thread was bumped up in such a timely manner...

I'm bumpingi it again...

This scripture ministers to me...

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14 (NIV).

What I'm seeing today, Pastors supporting what one group calls their 'civil rights', and misleading their congregations. They are tossing their flocks to and fro, every false wind of doctrine.

This thread was bumped up in such a timely manner...

I'm bumpingi it again...

ITA, sis. This thread is meant for such a time as this....:love3:

I'm bumping again too....:grin:
:bump: :bump:
ITA, sis. This thread is meant for such a time as this....:love3:

I'm bumping again too....:grin:
:bump: :bump:

This thread will be with me at the voting polls tomorrow. It's right in my cell phone... I can read and meditate upon it as I'm waiting in line and I'm literally allowing each word to minister to my heart and soul.
This thread will be with me at the voting polls tomorrow. It's right in my cell phone... I can read and meditate upon it as I'm waiting in line and I'm literally allowing each word to minister to my heart and soul.
Amen...and I will be praying for all of you who are voting tomorrow! :love2:
This scripture ministers to me...

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14 (NIV).

What I'm seeing today, Pastors supporting what one group calls their 'civil rights', and misleading their congregations. They are tossing their flocks to and fro, every false wind of doctrine.

This thread was bumped up in such a timely manner...

I'm bumpingi it again...


It's very disturbing. I remember when I first saw those commercials my mouth dropped open. :nono: I'm not trying to anything but this is one of the repercussions of anyone picking up the Bible and deciding they are fit to interpret it as they see fit. The Holy Spirit isn't inspiring any of that. But I'm sure those pastors also believe they are also being "led." :perplexed
It's very disturbing. I remember when I first saw those commercials my mouth dropped open. :nono: I'm not trying to anything but this is one of the repercussions of anyone picking up the Bible and deciding they are fit to interpret it as they see fit. The Holy Spirit isn't inspiring any of that. But I'm sure those pastors also believe they are also being "led." :perplexed

Lady Belle, This is definitely not the Holy Spirit leading them to support this. It's satan using them to mislead and confuse people.

This why we must spend time with the Lord in prayer and in His Word. This so called pastors know better, or do they? It's just so sad to see this. So sad. It's frightens me because of those who are being mislead and those whom God wants to set free from homosexuality and mess like this keeps them in bondage. These pastors are not realizing the dangers they are placing into the hearts of people's souls. :nono:

All the more to be in sync of what this thread topic is ministering to us... to KNOW and to Believe what we know and to Stand upon the solid word of God.

The message of this thread is sooooooo on time. Praise God.
Shimmie, I am so happy that Laela bumped this thread. I think it's going to cause many hearts to see some things in themselves and want real change. The same old way just doesn't look good anymore.

Thanks again, Laela!!!