Being There for Him (Even though there's no romantic feelings)


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

I have a bit of a problem ladies. There's a guy that one of my friends connected me to because of a business venture I started. He's kind of "in the same field." Anyway, we got to talking and I think he's cool and all, but right now, there aren't any romantic feelings. Also, I'm kind of "in transition," meaning, I'm not sure if I'm moving, and I don't really want to be "in a relationship" with anyone until I get my own house in order (if you know what I mean:lol:). I put off my "personal life" while I finished school, so I could concentrate on that, so I wasn't doing a whole lot of dating. I've decided that I would really like to date (casually). There will be no nookie:lol:, but I just want to meet people and not be so serious. Most of my life, I was so serious, just waiting around for Mr. Right. Oh, and I'm not old or anything, I'm still in my mid 20's, but I was acting like a 35 year old when I was 18, and now I'm kinda ready to act like an 18 year old, but I'm a little older:lol:

Anyway, he told my friend that he's never met anyone like me, and now he's pursuing me............HARD! And I appreciate his kindness, but I truly feel that we are at two different places.

Here's where the dilemma comes in. It's not just like any other guy who I would just say "oh, I'm not feeling him, bad timing, etc." He's been through A LOT of personal tragedy recently (his own illness, immediate family deaths, etc.). He's really depressed, so I've really tried to be there for him. He's a really private person, and he doesn't "let others in," so I take the fact that he shares so much with me very seriously. I haven't known him very long, so a part of me is surprised he "trusts me so much," but I seem to have this ability to get people to open up without prying.

Also, his last relationship was bad. When he was sick (had a terminal illness, but is recovering) the girl was unfaithful to him. I think it has to do with the fact that they were really young (late teens/early 20's), and she was dishonest, but she was also probably overwhelmed by the magnitude of what was going on. He feels very bad about everything, and especially about his appearance (the treatments took a major toll on his appearance). I try to remind him that he's getting better everyday and not to focus too much on his appearance. I think he's just so lonely b/c of everything that's happened, and he's trying to fill a void (which I can understand)!

I feel sad that he's been through so much, and I want to be there for him, but I cannot be in a relationship right now. And I could "be with him," just to make him happy, but I think that's cheating him and I also think it's cheating myself. I would like to take things slow and get to know him. I feel like I'm still getting to know myself:lol:

Any advice?
I think he's just so lonely b/c of everything that's happened, and he's trying to fill a void (which I can understand)!
I want to be there for him, but I cannot be in a relationship right now. And I could "be with him," just to make him happy, but I think that's cheating him and I also think it's cheating myself. I would like to take things slow and get to know him. I feel like I'm still getting to know myself:lol:
None of the underlined need be in conflict. It is possible to not be in a relationship.....while socially interacting/ and/or dating at a pace you are comfortable with as you focus on your own life goals and enjoy life on its terms.

the part that becomes an equation for unpleasant complications is compromising or confusing sympathy and/or
permission for involvment

ie......."you cld be with him" this really a consideration and if so...well then....why? if as you said
cheating him and I also think it's cheating myself

&...if this is true...lonely and trying to fill a void..
make certain you are not a participant of this either

It's nice to be kind and for the rest...I think OP you have wisely answered your own questions......
There's nothing with you two just being friends, it sounds like he could really use one right now. I'm a huge advocate of friendship first... all my realtionship where I was just friends with the person for an extended period of time with no romance or dating ended up better for me. But are you just not interested in dating him EVER or just not right now?
None of the underlined need be in conflict. It is possible to not be in a relationship.....while socially interacting/ and/or dating at a pace you are comfortable with as you focus on your own life goals and enjoy life on its terms.

the part that becomes an equation for unpleasant complications is compromising or confusing sympathy and/or
permission for involvment

ie......."you cld be with him" this really a consideration and if so...well then....why? if as you said

&...if this is true...lonely and trying to fill a void..
make certain you are not a participant of this either

It's nice to be kind and for the rest...I think OP you have wisely answered your own questions......

I agree with this. I definitely think of him as a friend, and right now that's all. I definitely know he wants more, but I think he's happy to have me in his life and I am glad to be there for him:yep:
There's nothing with you two just being friends, it sounds like he could really use one right now. I'm a huge advocate of friendship first... all my realtionship where I was just friends with the person for an extended period of time with no romance or dating ended up better for me. But are you just not interested in dating him EVER or just not right now?

Truthfully, right now, I'm only interested in being friends. I would like to get to know him as a person. I don't want to "jump" into anything, especially with things being as they are. I feel he's already had so much heartbreak, and I hate to hurt people, especially if I don't have to.

And with me being where I am, I don't need to be in a relationship with ANYONE:lol: