Being Spiritually Overwhelmed


formerly nicola.kirwan
Ladies, I'd love some perspectives on an experience I had in church this morning. It had to do with being touched by people and feeling spiritually overwhelmed for lack of a better word. The people on the praise team as well as a couple of older ladies in the church pray before the service and we lay hands on the pastor. It's also an open time and the church is open to praying in tongues and allowing the Spirit to move, which is great.

Well, several people hugged me that morning, but one woman in particular bothered me--but I don't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing or neither. When we were praying, she started praying in her native language really loudly. She was shouting and very emotional. At first it was okay, but I became distracted and then a little disturbed, and I found myself wanting her to stop. Then she did stop and became quiet.

After praying, this same lady hugged me tightly and was just asking about me in a get to know you way, perfectly friendly. Well, it was like I could feel the impression of her hands on my side for a long time afterward and I started feeling very heady, almost tipsy (not that I know what that is like :look: ) and then I was feeling lightly disturbed. I became distracted, so much so that I ended up leaving the service early after the singing was over. I was praying a lot. My spirit just felt so full and overwhelmed. I don't know if it was in a good way or bad way. I just had to pray and pour it all out--like a pitcher that is overflowing and you pour the water out. The last time I left a service like that was when I sensed that there was a mixture of spirits and I felt like I had to get away.

I have no reason to think negatively of this woman. She is VERY well respected in this church, related to the pastor, and I'm very much new there. But I can't say that my experience this morning was indicative of something good because I felt disturbed and distracted, not joyful and peaceful. And I kept wanting her to stop praying. :perplexed: There was something that I felt a month or so ago about her authority in the church not being right, but again, it was a passing thought.

Any perspectives? It was such a strange experience.
I have had similar appearances. You can't let everyone touch you. You just can't... I have had those uneasy ,hard to put a finger on what's wrong/ going on type feelings. Every time I have later found that person was involved in something spiritually they should not have been and I was sensing it. I was reading your post and thinking where was her peace? Then you said you didn't have any. That speaks volumes to me. Not saying she's not saved, evil, or something but if your spirit tells you something is up, something is up. I say pray asking God for clarity as to what was going on? If he was trying to tell you something etc? Then wait to hear from him. BTW- on the flip side I have also had the total opposite experience. I have met total strangers who upon approaching me caused me to experience overwhelming peace and I knew we were of the same family. 1 John 4 tells us to test spirits by the Spirit. Remember that old slang 'game recognize game?' Well that's true. We know each other spiritually. We know who is not in the fam too.:look:
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Your experience brought this scripture to mind; which has several applications:

Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. --- 1 Timonthy 5:22

I don't believe this woman should have touched you. :nono:

However from what you have been sharing about this woman, I can see the blessing in this as it seems that God is showing you something, angel. :yep:

God is sharpening your senses for 'rightly discerning' the spirits around you and others. A person with a 'controlling' or unclean spirit can be in anyone's family, meaning that your Pastor is not exempt from having an unclean spirit in his family, and therefore a part of his church.

God is bringing His Body (the Church) to a place where we will boldly be able to discern the spirits --- i.e. He is opening our eyes. No more shocks and surprises from the pulpits and from those who claim righteousness and Jesus, yet have hearts and agendas otherwise.

Nicola, shake this spirit experience off of you. Take a day of prayer and fasting and literally shut down in quiet and allow yourself to receive what the Lord has been revealing to you.

Remember how God trusted Joseph, Daniel, and the Prophets of 'Old' with dreams and interpretations? The Holy Spirit of the Lord is upon you, Nicola, and you will dream dreams, have God given visions and you will be aware of what is around you. You are living in Joel chapter 2.

Don't ever be afraid of this spirit; it cannot harm you. It's a shakey experience only because it is a spirit that has tried to make you back off. This woman may or may not be aware of what this spirit is that she is under; however, God is in control and He is leading you in the path where you belong.

Love and blessings, Nicola :grouphug: (no bruises with this hug ... :Rose: )

Your experience brought this scripture to mind; which has several applications:

Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. --- 1 Timonthy 5:22

I don't believe this woman should have touched you. :nono:

However from what you have been sharing about this woman, I can see the blessing in this as it seems that God is showing you something, angel. :yep:

God is sharpening your senses for 'rightly discerning' the spirits around you and others. A person with a 'controlling' or unclean spirit can be in anyone's family, meaning that your Pastor is not exempt from having an unclean spirit in his family, and therefore a part of his church.

God is bringing His Body (the Church) to a place where we will boldly be able to discern the spirits --- i.e. He is opening our eyes. No more shocks and surprises from the pulpits and from those who claim righteousness and Jesus, yet have hearts and agendas otherwise.

Nicola, shake this spirit experience off of you. Take a day of prayer and fasting and literally shut down in quiet and allow yourself to receive what the Lord has been revealing to you.

Remember how God trusted Joseph, Daniel, and the Prophets of 'Old' with dreams and interpretations? The Holy Spirit of the Lord is upon you, Nicola, and you will dream dreams, have God given visions and you will be aware of what is around you. You are living in Joel chapter 2.

Don't ever be afraid of this spirit; it cannot harm you. It's a shakey experience only because it is a spirit that has tried to make you back off. This woman may or may not be aware of what this spirit is that she is under; however, God is in control and He is leading you in the path where you belong.

Love and blessings, Nicola :grouphug: (no bruises with this hug ... :Rose: )

You know it's funny that you said this Nicola and Ms. Shimmie because i've been super sensitive lately to negative spirits. I don't know what it is but it's actually overwhelming to the point where it hurts and right now I'm crying my eyes out. I can't imagine what it would be it someone with a negative spirit were to touch me right now.

(ok, I'm at work, I need to stop crying)
Thanks so much. I'm glad I shared, as this has been encouraging. I had been praying earlier about forming a deliverance ministry, as discernment of spirits has presented itself in the past as well. Perhaps that experience was a step toward that. I think the difficult thing is that you truly have to learn to discern and trust the Spirit, because all else will be convincingly deceptive.

After prayer and reading and reflection, I think it has something to do with a spirit of control and/or grasping at authority--what some circles label as a "Jezebel spirit." I don't know about the labels, but it is about control. And I hated to come to this conclusion, but I have seen this with women in spiritual leadership in the past a lot. Even where it starts off well, things somehow devolve into that--where a woman seeks to assert/establish/maintain her authority through control and/or manipulation. But that's another discussion entirely.

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You know it's funny that you said this Nicola and Ms. Shimmie because i've been super sensitive lately to negative spirits. I don't know what it is but it's actually overwhelming to the point where it hurts and right now I'm crying my eyes out. I can't imagine what it would be it someone with a negative spirit were to touch me right now.

(ok, I'm at work, I need to stop crying)

Is there someone or something in particular that is impressed upon you?
Thanks so much. I'm glad I shared, as this has been encouraging. I had been praying earlier about forming a deliverance ministry, as discernment of spirits has presented itself in the past as well. Perhaps that experience was a step toward that. I think the difficult thing is that you truly have to learn to discern and trust the Spirit, because all else will be convincingly deceptive.

After prayer and reading and reflection, I think it has something to do with a spirit of control and/or grasping at authority--what some circles label as a "Jezebel spirit." I don't know about the labels, but it is about control. And I hated to come to this conclusion, but I have seen this with women in spiritual leadership in the past a lot. Even where it starts off well, things somehow devolve into that--where a woman seeks to assert/establish/maintain her authority through control and/or manipulation. But that's another discussion entirely.


This is what I felt in my spirit when I read your post but I did not want to write it, I thought maybe it was just me. I have dealt with this spirit before and when it recognizes the ministry that God has put in you, you may find yourself in warfare. If you do not give in to the control, warfare will begin. Stay in prayer and fasting, this spirit will try to suck the spiritual life and vigor from you because of the call that God has placed on your life. Intercessors, prayer warriors, and deliverance ministries are the targets for the spirit of Jezebel or spirit of control.
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Is there someone or something in particular that is impressed upon you?

I'm not sure exactly how to describe it , but it's like I can pick up on negativity quickly, especially when I witness to some unbelievers or just trying to explain my feelings on certain topics with certain people it's like the red flags just go off in full throttle. I since hate, confusion, and pain on some on threads on Off topics and yesterday I went to this forum for research and I could feel a lot of hatred on there (I came across by accident not knowing what the site was about) , but it was choking me spiritually. I haven't felt feelings like this in years. Then again I've been running a fever for a week so maybe it is something to do with that.
Ask G-d to reveal to you why you felt this way and don't listen to others (her, if she has a "prophecy" for you). Reason being, so many people mean well. They want control and in their ignorance, they are actually going again the L-rd in attempting to take us from the completed truth. It's happened before, many times. Last time, someone's mother decided to call me in the middle of the night and tell me I was in the spirit of witchcraft cuz I revealed to her daughter that my husband and I were fighting when in actuality, he was beating my *** in his own control issues. The L-rd can speak to me Himself.

Mind you, she made her husband miserable with her new-found religion and he just remained calm, faithful to the church and didn't force anything upon her at all. She was all brass and horns and was that same spirit she accused me of. Why am I mentioning this? To explain I understand. This lady made everybody miserable in her family and they felt they didn't measure up. :rolleyes: Control issues.

Just make sure you are remaining well in what you know is the truth and do not cave to others. It only takes a matter of time for truth about the situation to be revealed. Sometimes, it reveals jealousy, misguided empathy or something else insidious. :yep: Let her fall on her own, if she's bound to fall, and do not allow her near you ever again. Be very wary of her and make sure you are out of her path to not be in her psychological control. People can stand and look at you from afar and imagine all sorts of negatives without realizing that they don't know the truth and are fabricating things. Then, they come to you as though G-d told them to, in an attempt to "heal" you. Nonsense.
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Slightly OT:
You hit that nail on the head:yep:. A Jezebel/Python spirit. That spirit ain't no joke.:nono:. Greater is He that is in us though! Jentzen Franklin did an excellent study on it a few years ago and there was a show that came on TBN that explained it well too. You can still see much of his message on YT. I grew up thinking Jezebel was only a reference to a woman of loose morals. She was much more than that though. Anyway, your post made me reflect on a situation I experienced this week and have been in prayer over. I believe that is the spirit I find myself dealing with.
Slightly OT:
You hit that nail on the head:yep:. A Jezebel/Python spirit. That spirit ain't no joke.:nono:. Greater is He that is in us though! Jentzen Franklin did an excellent study on it a few years ago and there was a show that came on TBN that explained it well too. You can still see much of his message on YT. I grew up thinking Jezebel was only a reference to a woman of loose morals. She was much more than that though. Anyway, your post made me reflect on a situation I experienced this week and have been in prayer over. I believe that is the spirit I find myself dealing with.


You will get through it. It ain't no joke. It wants to cause you to cast off your purpose, cause you to lose strength, and choke life out of you. Remember Elijah in the cave, that's how I was. I went through to where I had no drive in my spiritual ife. I just wanted to be saved but did not care about the call and purpose on my life. It tried to destroy me but glory be to God. God had a plan. I got my strength back and I'm going forth in Jesus Name!! I refuse to allow the enemy take me down. God is with you, it will work out for His call and His purpose on your life.

You will get through it. It ain't no joke. It wants to cause you to cast off your purpose, cause you to lose strength, and choke life out of you. Remember Elijah in the cave, that's how I was. I went through to where I had no drive in my spiritual ife. I just wanted to be saved but did not care about the call and purpose on my life. It tried to destroy me but glory be to God. God had a plan. I got my strength back and I'm going forth in Jesus Name!! I refuse to allow the enemy take me down. God is with you, it will work out for His call and His purpose on your life.

I don't know if to cry or laugh. I'm sort of like Elijah in hiding right now because of issues simillar to what have been spoken of and as much as it upsets me to hear anyone experiencing these things, it's good to know others understand and have survived it. I really believe women with a Jezebal spirit can sniff out people who are gifted and if they can't get them under their 'wings' then they will try to destroy them, even if it means resorting to 'spiritual' means.