Being a "prude" and Dating ... possible?


Well-Known Member
Based on many of the posts I read, I see I may be in the minority here. But is anyone else, uh..., a bit cautious with the men they date when it comes to sexual activities?

I'm a cautious person in general, so of course it spills over into my dating decisions. I'm a bit worried that if/when I start dating, men will be turned off that I'm not into casual sex, we must use protection for all sexual activities, we're going to have to be in a relationship for several months before we have sex, must get tested before anything goes down, etc etc.

Anyone else relate?

How has being cautious affected your dating life? (other than hopefully keeping you disease free and child free) :giggle:

Has it severely limited your options or you able to find quality men who respect your choices and still want to be with you? If the latter, where do you find these men? I would think church would be the best place, but most of the Christian boys I know are the freakiest ones. :look:
I don't believe there is ever a perfect place to meet that special someone. The Universe has a way of putting people where they need to be at the right time. I know that sounds all fluffy and stuff, but it is what I believe. As for being conservative, I think it's an excellent filter. You'll know fairly quickly who's wants to hit and quit, and who wants you for more than that. And this may be hard to believe but there are men out there who feel the same. Unfortunately they are few and far in between.
I personally don't think being sexually cautious = prude.

There is nothing wrong with getting tested, using protection, and waiting to have sex...that's what you supposed to do. I do all these things and believe me...I'm no prude!

There are plenty of men out there willing to wait. The ones who won't aren't worth your time.
Based on many of the posts I read, I see I may be in the minority here. Join the club. But is anyone else, uh..., a bit cautious with the men they date when it comes to sexual activities?
Yes. I'm a cautious person in general, so of course it spills over into my dating decisions. I'm a bit worried that if/when I start dating, men will be turned off that I'm not into casual sex, we must use protection for all sexual activities, we're going to have to be in a relationship for several months before we have sex, must get tested before anything goes down, etc etc.

Anyone else relate?

That is wonderful. Good for you for getting him tested. IF I were to have had sex before marriage, I'm quite certain that protection would've been used for all sexual activities, and of course testing too. And I would wait until the relationship was a monogamous one....assuming you're doing the same. As for me,:yep:My fiance and I made sure to be tested so that we could be assured of each other's status for stds and am happy that we're in the clear for marriage.

How has being cautious affected your dating life? (other than hopefully keeping you disease free and child free) :giggle:

I've had a fun dating life still and didn't have a problem (I'm engaged so my dating life is over now lol because I found my sweetie). If you sit around pining for a guy or trying to make him into something he's not then I could see how your dating life could stall. Meaning if a guy doesn't want to wait for you, why are you convincing him? If you decide something is "wrong" with you so to speak and that you have to spend your time convincing men then you are approaching it from the wrong perspective. Basically you have your beliefs, if a guy doesn't honor them he's out. And also if he's not right for you he's out, and so on as you "filter" through men to find the right one for you. Do not hestiate to move on and date others instead of spending time convincing one guy that he should give you a chance, because really there are too many fish in the sea. That time could be spent on other dates until you find the guy that interests you and vice versa. If you approach it like this, and only take time out when you need to reflect or be by yourself for a while, then you should have an active dating life.

You could date a couple guys or so in the initial stages and filter out the one who isn't interested, or who you aren't interested in. And keep doing this until you find the one who is "Right" for you. Meaning in your case the one you're willing to go the next step with.

Being cautious means that you are going to filter out the guys who don't really care to do anything but wham bam and move on, as well as the reckless guys who are insulted that you'd dare ask for a test. It will basically ensure that guys who are at least serious about you are in the running. Meaning if they're willing to go get tested for tons of stds then this isn't an everyday relationship like he would treat the others. Think about it. The others are easier. He could meet a girl at a club, grab a condom and go home with her. But you, not only want to get to know him (the nerve!:lachen:) but you also are insistent that you'll only have sex if you're in a monogamous relationship and if he's tested. Also you using protection...assuming condoms afterwards shows him that you are serious about protecting your health, and only a guy who cares about that would beokay with that. A guy who just wants to meet ladies and slam bam, will move on to someone else because you are just too much trouble. I don't see this as a problem because those kinds of guys I've never wanted anyways. And if you keep your dating card filled (and legs closed until you meet the guy who you're interested in going that extra step with) then you won't miss the jerks anyways. I kinda practice something similar albeit without sex period until marriage. Date and date, and filter, and they'll filter, and date, and just have fun, and wouldn'tyou know it found a boyfriend. Okay that didn't work out, date again, repeat until I found my sweetie and wanted to get married so when he asked I said yes.

I think also by being serious, you're only attracting serious contenders...meaning guys who are serious about having a potential relationship with you. You're not going to attract guys who are dating "several prospects" until he decides which one is right for him...because you'd already be drawn off that list especially if he isn't sure about you. But guys who are sure that you are worth the wait, will wait. And isn't that the guys you want anyways?

Has it severely limited your options or you able to find quality men who respect your choices and still want to be with you? If the latter, where do you find these men? I would think church would be the best place, but most of the Christian boys I know are the freakiest ones. :look: See previous answer for limits of choices. My fiance and I were introduced through friends...and became friends before we even dated. It wasn't a date set up, just at a social party gathering they introduced me and others. You know the basic party speal stuff.I guess depending on your church would depend on the types you meet. I know some church guys are wonderful and others I met were full of it. They were used to having sex and saying they were tempted by the woman as an excuse, and looked at me like I had three heads. Others put me on this ridiculous pedastal of what a good girl should be, and then were shocked when I didn't fit into their preconceived notions (gasp I'm opinionated and not demure, etc)...and then there are the good ones. But I think everywhere there will be the "good" and "bad" choices for you. I found guys anywhere....guys have asked me out even on plane rides, in events that I frequent that are usually artistic, to grad school....basically everywhere. But I will say that if you're looking to meet a guy go places where you'd like to meet one. Meaning events that attract the type of guys you like. I don't really go club hopping so I haven't met that crowd. The guys in a club or bar environment in my opinion are NOT looking for me lol. But I could be wrong.

Because I like being around artsy events from book readings, to ballet, or modern dance stuff, or museum gala events, and even the film festival events (tons of behind the scenes lawyers, distributors,and other educated business people there, not just artists) I frequent lately these are usually the places where the type of guys I'm interested in are the best potential matches. Basically because we already have something in common, and they tend to be educated and enjoy artistic expression. Since I'm an artist myself, I always like a guy who can understand my viewpoint. My fiance said he always wanted a lady who saw the world differently from him, but still had the same values. Basically go to places where you WANT to meet guys that mesh well with you and vice versa. I also never approach a guy but that's just me. If a guy is interested in dating, he'll say. My fiance and I were friends and then he finally asked me out.
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I also agree with the prude thing. It's funny that waiting until you're seriously interested in someone makes you a prude. That's a laugh. It's like people don't know the definition of prude anymore. Even waiting till marraige doesn't make you a prude. I know I'll be getting my freak on lol with my husband!
Yea, had a guy call me prude because I don't do casual sex.

He was only pissed because you weren't falling for his game, and thank goodness you didn't; he sounds like a douchebag. Don't feel bad or question your decisions. You only have one body, one mind; don't waste it on losers who can't be bothered.
Yeah I had someone say something like that to me before too. I just ignored him.... I would like to add that he introduced himself to me as Prince Jake... no he was not royalty... he was from TX somewhere.

Either way my dating life has not suffered from my "prudish" behavior. In fact, my bf and I just had our year long anniversary last month and we have yet to sleep with one another.
There's nothing at all wrong with your "standards". I feel the same way. Any dude that doesn't believe in condoms or getting tested can get to steppin...
Yea, had a guy call me prude because I don't do casual sex. :rolleyes:

But thanks ladies!

Screw him!!! (no pun intended) He seriously isn't worth your time.

I think luckiedestiny gave you great advice, especially about places to meet men. I always tell people to go to art exhibits, museums, and similar places and events to meet men, but they always look at me like I am crazy. Then they also complain about not being able to meet men...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Keep on with your standards. Being sexually selective does NOT make you a prude. People really need to stop using that word improperly.
He was only pissed because you weren't falling for his game, and thank goodness you didn't; he sounds like a douchebag. Don't feel bad or question your decisions. You only have one body, one mind; don't waste it on losers who can't be bothered.

So true I hear some men trying to tell women who don't want to have casual sex they're not enlightened or sexually open. They're just being manipulative and selfish - since when does being sexually open mean being strong-armed by some guy's libido?

Tell that dude you're tryin not to get throat cancer...
So true I hear some men trying to tell women who don't want to have casual sex they're not enlightened or sexually open. They're just being manipulative and selfish - since when does being sexually open mean being strong-armed by some guy's libido?

Tell that dude you're tryin not to get throat cancer...

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

ETA: I only know what this means because I'm part of LHCF! :lachen:
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So true I hear some men trying to tell women who don't want to have casual sex they're not enlightened or sexually open. They're just being manipulative and selfish - since when does being sexually open mean being strong-armed by some guy's libido?

Tell that dude you're tryin not to get throat cancer...

The women should tell those men that they're full of manure. I really have to :nono: at the levels some men will stoop to in order to get some tail.
Yeah I had someone say something like that to me before too. I just ignored him.... I would like to add that he introduced himself to me as Prince Jake... no he was not royalty... he was from TX somewhere.

Either way my dating life has not suffered from my "prudish" behavior. In fact, my bf and I just had our year long anniversary last month and we have yet to sleep with one another.

lol...i totally know someone named prince jake from tx
Yea, had a guy call me prude because I don't do casual sex. :rolleyes:

But thanks ladies!

How typical.
The label of "prude" is generally used by those who need to guilt trip others, for having actual standards around their sexual choices. Personally, I consider the term "prude" a device of sexism. I don't use it.
How has being cautious affected your dating life? (other than hopefully keeping you disease free and child free)

Has it severely limited your options or you able to find quality men who respect your choices and still want to be with you? If the latter, where do you find these men? I would think church would be the best place, but most of the Christian boys I know are the freakiest ones.

I don't think it limits your options. I was a prude until recently and never had trouble with men.
So true I hear some men trying to tell women who don't want to have casual sex they're not enlightened or sexually open...

This happened to me. I think I posted the e-mail on the board that this man sent to me telling me as much.

Oh well, five months after being told that I wasn't enlightened, I met my fiance. :D
This happened to me. I think I posted the e-mail on the board that this man sent to me telling me as much.

Oh well, five months after being told that I wasn't enlightened, I met my fiance. :D

I missed that thread but I believe it :nono:

So good that you knew better and stayed open to a man that shared your mindset.
I missed that thread but I believe it :nono:

So good that you knew better and stayed open to a man that shared your mindset.


The only reason I brought up the fiance thing again was to point out that I could have spent time wracking my brain about whether or not I was too "prudish" to get a man (not necessarily the one from the e-mail, but any man) and whether I should possibly alter some of my standards since "men expect sex these days."

Instead, I was like, NOPE! I stayed steadfast in my beliefs and found someone 1 zillion times better than that guy would have been anyway.

Whenever you find Mr. Right, you'll look back and laugh at all the fools who ditched you because you wouldn't sleep with them two seconds after meeting them. :lol:
Based on many of the posts I read, I see I may be in the minority here. But is anyone else, uh..., a bit cautious with the men they date when it comes to sexual activities?

I'm a cautious person in general, so of course it spills over into my dating decisions. I'm a bit worried that if/when I start dating, men will be turned off that I'm not into casual sex, we must use protection for all sexual activities, we're going to have to be in a relationship for several months before we have sex, must get tested before anything goes down, etc etc.

Anyone else relate?

How has being cautious affected your dating life? (other than hopefully keeping you disease free and child free) :giggle:

Has it severely limited your options or you able to find quality men who respect your choices and still want to be with you? If the latter, where do you find these men? I would think church would be the best place, but most of the Christian boys I know are the freakiest ones. :look:
i didn't realize that this was being a prude... i thought it was being smart... just call me a prude because this is what i'm doing even though it's hard sometimes