Interesting responses. I've always thought it must seem tough being a PK--having to share your parents with everyone. Seeing it up close in my own pastor, I wonder about his children (one young teen, one older teen). My pastor has a huge loving heart and takes special care & really watches over his "flock". His wife is just the opposite and seems VERY protective. There are also lots of people around him that seem very protective of him which makes him seem untouchable. It also makes me wonder if he's made "mistakes" in his past. These responses put a whole new perspective on this for me. Can't wait to read more.
Yes, it can be tough to share your parents. A huge part of how the situation can play itself out is based on the parents and the value they place on their own family life.
I believe that your family is your first ministry if you are in church leadership. If your family life is chaotic but you're at the church everytime the doors are open, I think your priorities should shift until things get better.
Before my mom became a pastor, my old pastor would scold us from the pulpit about using "Family Fun Week" as a time to spend with families. These were weeks 4 times a year that there were no meetings or events at church. It usually followed major holidays. My friends and family always said we didn't need a family fun week to spend time with each other, we do that anyway. Unfortunately, my former pastor's home life was really dysfunctional. He was a very stern man, and sometimes just mean (witnessed that first hand). And when he became ill last year, the church really had to pitch in because his family was at times scarce. My dad took him to dialysis at least twice a week....and my pastor has an adult son that lives at home.
I think that pastors and those in leadership have to go above and beyond to ensure the stability of their own home life.
Now this is definitely an interesting twist for me, because my mom is a minister (that's a whole other topic). But she declares publicly that when she steps out of the pulpit that she is "Mrs. so and so" She is a wife and a mother and that her first ministry is at home. So when she ministers in public she can do so under God's total anointing because she has left her own home decent and in order.
I remember one year we were going to a women's conference out of town and the night before she was up til 2 AM cleaning and making some snacks for my dad. They good brother was cheesing like a cheshire cat at gestures like that.
My relationship with my parents have always been about the little things. We'll ride out of town on a whim. We watch 24 together every Monday night. Little stuff like that keeps things in perspective. But I'm thankful that my parents value our relationship like that....even now that I'm an adult. It's a model that I hope to improve on even more and pass on to my own family.