Being A Christian And Showing Love To Others Versus Judging


Well-Known Member
even with myself I see this is becoming more of an issue.. how can we lead others to Christ when we are judging everyone or not showing love.. I see and feel a lot of jealousy amongst church goers. The spirit I feel from them is an unwelcome spirit or a very judging spirit.
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even with myself I see this is becoming more of an issue.. hoe can we lead others to Christ when e are judging everyone or not showing love.. I see and feel a lot of jealousy amongst church goers. The spirit I feel from them is an unwelcome spirit or a very judging spirit.

Don't allow yourself to be distracted from God's plan for you. Move away from the distractions and focus on your personal relationship with Jesus and become the example of "Love" for others to follow.

All you can be is the example of being strong in the Lord. You be the "Love" that you feel is missing. Others will follow. For those who don't, leave them to God and pray for them, otherwise you will end up ... Judging.