Beg. of Year National 21 Day Daniel Prayer & Fast w/Pastor Jentzeen Franklin


Well-Known Member
Our annual National 21 Day Daniel Prayer & Fast is here again which proposed to start on Sunday, January 10, 2010. Of course, you may do another type of fast please see the link below for more information. Remember power in Unity.

God Bless!!!

Please note the DATE IS January 10, 2010.
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LOL Girl get out of my head...when bought my books for this term I also ordered his fasting book and journal and was like this is how I'm kickin of the new year....whew if that ain't confirmation then I dont' know what is!!!!
LOL Girl get out of my head...when bought my books for this term I also ordered his fasting book and journal and was like this is how I'm kickin of the new year....whew if that ain't confirmation then I dont' know what is!!!!

God always keeps His people on one accord. It has been a blessing for me to yoke with so many other believers during this fast and prayer time.
Prudent1 I have been doing also with great results.

BronxJazzy please jump on board we all have powerful experience together in the Lord.
Blessings to all of you who are about to do this fast and spend more time with God.... Fasting is awesome!!!
Wow, this is amazing. I was just telling myself [and God] that I need to stop lagging around and make the steps necessary to re-build my relationship with Him. I truly believe that this will help put me on the right track, especially since I don't have any Christian[um, walking Christians that is] friends up at school. I really appreciate this post, and the support system I see! I'm excited for what God has in store for us over this upcoming period of fasting. Once again, thank you so much; count me in :)
Alright Ms. Ladies were ready to break some stuff up and snatch our destiny so glad the recent ladies have joined: Mrs.TheBronx, All4tris,Zeal, Laela, Pink Pebbles, Nita Chantell. God is sooooooooooooo good.
I 'm in also. I feel like I've be drifting futher and futher away from God. :drowning: My goal is to change directions.
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I am in. I'll do it. Starting 1/10/10. That will work. God bless all the participants, and I will pray for you all.
Welcome back Laela :wave:.
:bighug: PinkPebbles, thanks again for the Welcome back!! I just saw it again in the other thread. My fast was really inspiring, and actually, not as difficult as last year's, although I did notice the food portion of the fast purged me to the point of having body odor (a good thing :drunk: ) as I got rid of toxins.
God bless you!! :rosebud:

Alright Ms. Ladies were ready to break some stuff up and snatch our destiny so glad the recent ladies have joined: Mrs.TheBronx, All4tris,Zeal, Laela, Pink Pebbles, Nita Chantell. God is sooooooooooooo good.

Hi star :wave:
I've just gotten of a 30-day fast with my church. I pray that you and the other ladies are rewarded richly, spiritually and physically, during this fast. I've lost a lot of weight and can't afford to go on another one too soon :laugh:

But the most rewarding thing is purposefully focusing on God and reaping the reward by hearing from Him more clearly. This fast has helped my perspectives change and put the focus off me because it was during the holidays. No Christmas TV... no social medias. No indulgences. Just the Word. Family was the biggest focus during this fast this time, and God had healed some wounds concerning family and I'm sooooo grateful and giddy and really truly happy at the outcome. The thing I wanted least to do was the most beneficial when I trusted God and did it anyway.
I encourage you ladies today as you start your fast and God deals with you individually. He knows how much we crave him and he'll always give those who are obedient and true to his Word the desires of their hearts.
My church will be doing the Daniel Fast from January 2 - 22. The times may be slightly different but I would love to join my LHCF sisters in prayer during this time. This will be my second Daniel Fast and I am excited to see what God has in store for us. Please add me.
I also would like to participate! My desire is to come to a place of surrender in all areas of my life.
Ok ladies I got you and being put on the master list for prayer at Pastor Franklin's Church so glad God moved and exciting about what he is about to do.
:bighug: PinkPebbles, thanks again for the Welcome back!! I just saw it again in the other thread. My fast was really inspiring, and actually, not as difficult as last year's, although I did notice the food portion of the fast purged me to the point of having body odor (a good thing :drunk: ) as I got rid of toxins.
God bless you!! :rosebud:

Hi star :wave:
I've just gotten of a 30-day fast with my church. I pray that you and the other ladies are rewarded richly, spiritually and physically, during this fast. I've lost a lot of weight and can't afford to go on another one too soon :laugh:

But the most rewarding thing is purposefully focusing on God and reaping the reward by hearing from Him more clearly. This fast has helped my perspectives change and put the focus off me because it was during the holidays. No Christmas TV... no social medias. No indulgences. Just the Word. Family was the biggest focus during this fast this time, and God had healed some wounds concerning family and I'm sooooo grateful and giddy and really truly happy at the outcome. The thing I wanted least to do was the most beneficial when I trusted God and did it anyway.
I encourage you ladies today as you start your fast and God deals with you individually. He knows how much we crave him and he'll always give those who are obedient and true to his Word the desires of their hearts.
Thanks sweety and so glad you finished your fast and it was inspiring. God is so, so good.
I just wanted to wish all of you a blessed and successful fast. :) I pray that whatever your praying about/seeking God for will come to pass. I'll be fasting as well. I also want to restore my relationship with God. I'm also praying for direction in my life.