New Member
...consider the Rosemary Hair Oil Blend by From Nature With Love http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/soap/product.asp?product_id=eoblendhair
I purchased this product (8 oz bottle for $25) and it arrived yesterday and I LOVE it! Ironically, it smells a lot like hair oils I've purchased from other natural hair care companies--I suspect it's the base oil for a lot of products we purchase with additional essential oils added. I added my own mix of essential oils (thyme, cedarwood, and lavender) to a 2 oz bottle of this blend and I was certain my concoction was a product that I had purchased before. So ladies, before you go and spend $20-$40 on a teeny-tiny bottle of special hair oil, consider getting this oil at a fraction of the cost. I believe my 8oz bottle might keep me together for the majority of 2006!
I purchased this product (8 oz bottle for $25) and it arrived yesterday and I LOVE it! Ironically, it smells a lot like hair oils I've purchased from other natural hair care companies--I suspect it's the base oil for a lot of products we purchase with additional essential oils added. I added my own mix of essential oils (thyme, cedarwood, and lavender) to a 2 oz bottle of this blend and I was certain my concoction was a product that I had purchased before. So ladies, before you go and spend $20-$40 on a teeny-tiny bottle of special hair oil, consider getting this oil at a fraction of the cost. I believe my 8oz bottle might keep me together for the majority of 2006!