Before you make your next hair oil purchase...


New Member
...consider the Rosemary Hair Oil Blend by From Nature With Love

I purchased this product (8 oz bottle for $25) and it arrived yesterday and I LOVE it! Ironically, it smells a lot like hair oils I've purchased from other natural hair care companies--I suspect it's the base oil for a lot of products we purchase with additional essential oils added. I added my own mix of essential oils (thyme, cedarwood, and lavender) to a 2 oz bottle of this blend and I was certain my concoction was a product that I had purchased before. So ladies, before you go and spend $20-$40 on a teeny-tiny bottle of special hair oil, consider getting this oil at a fraction of the cost. I believe my 8oz bottle might keep me together for the majority of 2006!
Thanks for the heads up!!! Hmmmm....I'd been eyeing this little bottle of scalp oil from this sister who sells some other great products, but just couldn't ever get myself to spend that much on it. I might try your alternative.

tastesosweet said:
...consider the Rosemary Hair Oil Blend by From Nature With Love

I purchased this product (8 oz bottle for $25) and it arrived yesterday and I LOVE it! Ironically, it smells a lot like hair oils I've purchased from other natural hair care companies--I suspect it's the base oil for a lot of products we purchase with additional essential oils added. I added my own mix of essential oils (thyme, cedarwood, and lavender) to a 2 oz bottle of this blend and I was certain my concoction was a product that I had purchased before. So ladies, before you go and spend $20-$40 on a teeny-tiny bottle of special hair oil, consider getting this oil at a fraction of the cost. I believe my 8oz bottle might keep me together for the majority of 2006!

Are you using this oil on your hair, scalp or both.I might purchase this instead of the Weleda Rosemary oil
nikki1971 said:
Are you using this oil on your hair, scalp or both.I might purchase this instead of the Weleda Rosemary oil

I'm using it on both, but concentrating on my scalp. So far, so good. The other things I'm hyped about is that my oil blend combined with my MTG blend has taken my itchiness away.