Before You CUT take pictures

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New Member
Ok folks, I'm going to say it...

If you are in a length-based challenge of any sort, please don't post -- at any time during the challenge -- that you reached your goal or almost reached it, "but, just had to" cut XX inches off because of XYZ and therefore won't reach the goal you had committed yourself to reaching AND then not show pics of the before and after the "cut."

After seeing the growing frequency of this statement over the past year or so, my first thought nowadays is

":eh:, REALLY :perplexed?"

Of course, the poster's response, should they have been privy to my thoughs, might have been, "Like I care what you think."

But my reasoning is this: If you had reached/almost reached your goal why not take pictures? And if you are going to cut it, why not just take a few pics of before and after the cut (say for motivation or to gain LHCF empathy or whatnot)?

Sometimes these statements just seems a little too convenient, especially when they fall under this :needpics:. category.

Personally, I rather someone fall out of a challenge than make that statement without posting pictures.
My 2 cents.
Ok folks, I'm going to say it...

If you are in a length-based challenge of any sort, please don't post -- at any time during the challenge -- that you reached your goal or almost reached it, "but, just had to" cut XX inches off because of XYZ and therefore won't reach the goal you had committed yourself to reaching AND then not show pics of the before and after the "cut."

After seeing the growing frequency of this statement over the past year or so, my first thought nowadays is

":eh:, REALLY :perplexed?"

Of course, the poster's response, should they have been privy to my thoughs, might have been, "Like I care what you think."

But my reasoning is this: If you had reached/almost reached your goal why not take pictures? And if you are going to cut it, why not just take a few pics of before and after the cut (say for motivation or to gain LHCF empathy or whatnot)?

Sometimes these statements just seems a little too convenient, especially when they fall under this :needpics:. category.

Personally, I rather someone fall out of a challenge than make that statement without posting pictures.
My 2 cents.

I'm sorry but . . .
ITA. This has happend to me a time or two. I made progress but my ends were a little on the sparse side. I may not post the pic (I'm a little challenged when it comes to posting pictures), however I do document before and after the cut in my fotki.
:O how dare u post about me. jk.. lol. well it better not be about me :look:. cause i took pics in sept(past brastrap). id grown an extra inch since then before it was cut back to 2 inches from brastrap.

im in the summer 08 waist length challenge but probably wont make it till oct cause of the cut.
Ok folks, I'm going to say it...

If you are in a length-based challenge of any sort, please don't post -- at any time during the challenge -- that you reached your goal or almost reached it, "but, just had to" cut XX inches off because of XYZ and therefore won't reach the goal you had committed yourself to reaching AND then not show pics of the before and after the "cut."

After seeing the growing frequency of this statement over the past year or so, my first thought nowadays is

":eh:, REALLY :perplexed?"

Of course, the poster's response, should they have been privy to my thoughs, might have been, "Like I care what you think."

But my reasoning is this: If you had reached/almost reached your goal why not take pictures? And if you are going to cut it, why not just take a few pics of before and after the cut (say for motivation or to gain LHCF empathy or whatnot)?

Sometimes these statements just seems a little too convenient, especially when they fall under this :needpics:. category.

Personally, I rather someone fall out of a challenge than make that statement without posting pictures.
My 2 cents.

Yep, well said. :grin::grin:

yes Virginia, there really was an elephant standing in the room :lachen:
This thread was a needed dose of trutfhulness!:clap:
If I may be so bold as to add in the same vein...ahem:bookworm:

*Please stop tilting your head back. We are not visually impaired and you're only fooling yourself.

*Your brastrap should rest BELOW your shoulder blades. Please see link,941,30.htmlest

*Two strands of hair do NOT a hair goal make:cool:

Exactly! That's why I'm not claiming BSL until my lowest bra is BSL, not the one I have that's real high up on my back!!!
lol I do agree about the cut with no before pics and thanks to that link I see I can not claim BSL just yet...:wallbash:
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my brastraps 4 inch from underarm, but ive seen some pics of brastrap length only 1 inch from underarm.........:perplexed
This thread was a needed dose of trutfhulness!:clap:
If I may be so bold as to add in the same vein...ahem:bookworm:

*Please stop tilting your head back. We are not visually impaired and you're only fooling yourself.

*Your brastrap should rest BELOW your shoulder blades. Please see link,941,30.htmlest

*Two strands of hair do NOT a hair goal make:cool:

say that to all the "BSL" ladies running around with their two strands barely touching the top of their bras .... that they just have to have the whole world see.
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