Before you chuck that new product.....


New Member
do you think maybe you are not giving it a fair chance??

I tried ORS Replenishing Pak this weekend and hated but im on a no new products challegne (an am trying to reduce my spending before going to grad school) and thus did not want to throw out the second pak. Its like throwing money down the drain!

Then I realized that maybe I hadnt given it a fair chance. I realized that:

1) I also tried three other new products-a gloss, new leave-in/setting lotion and shampoo

2) I hadnt clarified for months

3) I hadnt had a trim in months

4) I blew dried(sp) my hair on medium instead of high

The end result was lackluster hair with no body or shape, dry ends and massive shedding. But I cant attribute that to ORS.

Perhaps having a "base regime" would help. Use a new product but use the same shampoo,cond, styling aids so that you can judge the product on its own merit....

Excellent points, MCA. Especially about the clarifying.

BTW: I took a look at your Fotki. Amazing hair!! Absolutely stunning.

What is your regimine? I know you rollerset, but how often do you relax, and how often do you trim/dust your ends? Do you wrap at night or use a satin bonnet or pillowcase?

Do you flatiorn at all and how often?

Please, share the know-how!

I mentioned before that I tried the ORS replenishing pak last week. It gave me the most amazing slip in the shower. I was so excited about it, but after drying my hair it felt a bit rough. Then the next day my hair was tangling so badly. Just big clumps of hair knotted together.
Then I noticed how dull my hair looked and I'd claryfied about 4 days before that.
My sister used it the same day and her hair was very dull and sticky. It leaves a lot of residue on the hair. I won't be trying this again.
I'm sure it works well for other people but not for me.
It does leave a lot of residue on the hair. I admit My hair doesn't mind it too much though(for now).
sweetcashew said:
I mentioned before that I tried the ORS replenishing pak last week. It gave me the most amazing slip in the shower. I was so excited about it, but after drying my hair it felt a bit rough. Then the next day my hair was tangling so badly. Just big clumps of hair knotted together.
Then I noticed how dull my hair looked and I'd claryfied about 4 days before that.
My sister used it the same day and her hair was very dull and sticky. It leaves a lot of residue on the hair. I won't be trying this again.
I'm sure it works well for other people but not for me.

My hair doesn't like the ORS pack I had the same experience with it as you:mad:
Dang ya'll! I love me some ORS Replenishing Paks. :yep: Not only does it give my hair great slip, but it is so soft after I rinse it out. I put it on my hair...wait, "clean" hair and put on my conditioning heating cap. I leave it on for about 45 minutes and I am good to go. I almost had a fit the other day. I went to the dollar store to load up and they only had one pak left, so I got that and the shine critical pak. It works just as well as the ORS pak. Then I was in Publix browsing around and I noticed they had ALL of their ORS Paks 2 for $1. :eek: I bought the whole case. :lachen: So now I got about 20 ORS paks. I should be good to go now. :lol:
I also love ORS paks but I also cut them with other products (so I use half a pak to DC, the other half of my DC is "other stuff":lol: )

I also had to go back and do some re-evaluation on coconut oil.

So I decided to give it another shot. I sometimes use it for my skin during the winter (especially with this weird winter we've had),but when I tried it on my hair I just didn't dig it that much.

SOOOO I had to think about ways I COULD use it because it does have wonderful benefits (and it smells good). So last week I used it, but I just used less of it. ( a whole lot less!) I mixed 1/8th of a teaspoon with 1/8th teaspoon of jojoba oil and sparingly applied it.

That worked out great!

Now I just have to figure out the exact ratios of how much to use.

But not everything can work for everyone. What I didn't like that I tried lately the biosilk therapy treatment. No matter how hard I try to like it, it drives my scalp crazy. (I can use a itty bitty amount and I get these HYOOGE flakes the next day all over my scalp!:eek: )

Sure does work on ashy feet in a pinch though:lol:

macherieamour said:
Perhaps having a "base regime" would help. Use a new product but use the same shampoo,cond, styling aids so that you can judge the product on its own merit....


That's a great idea. I've come to realize that some products just don't work together, no matter how good they are individually. I think when I need to try a new product, I will try only one at a time, and use only staples outside of the new product.

Or, I could stop being such a PJ and stick with what I know... Nah. :lol:
Sorry to hear you didn't get good results with ORS Rep Pak. I LOVE the stuff. When I try something and it doesn't work I wait a few weeks and try again. If after 3 attempts it doesn't work I chuck it. Now in the case of the ORS Stimulating Shampoo I took that junk back to the store the same day I used it.:lol: