Before LHCF.....


Well-Known Member
Did you use protection (such as vaseline or products like Mizani Honey Shied) to protect your relaxed hair when getting a touch up? If you didn't, was your hair damaged?

I am a newbie relaxer and I am getting overwhelmed with all the info here. I am due for a touchup in a few weeks (my first one) and am not sure what to do. Do I protect or not?

I am scared that my stylist will think I am being extra fussy with all these new products that I currently dont see being used at the salon when ladies touch up their hair.
First of all, don't you DARE worry about what that stylist thinks! It is your hair, on your head, and you do what you need to do to take precaution!

To answer your question, yes, I always based my head, either with vaseline or a vaseline type product specially "made" as a relaxer prep. I'd surround my hairline and base the entire head of hair. I know that there is a thread from earlier this year about whether folks base or not, and there was a pretty good split from the ladies.
I would advise you use a base rather than not. It helps protect your skin and scalp against abrasions especially when sensitive. Also, some relaxers are so harsh that you can have cuts and sores if you decided against using a protective base even when the label claims to be "mild". Some people don't use them but since you're unsure, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I agree with the poster above, disregard what your stylist may or may not think. You're paying him or her to handle your hair, not the other way around.
Better safe than sorry like the others ladies have said. I personally did not base my hair (nor did my stylist) when relaxing:blush:. I had the occasional chemical burn but really accepted it as normal:spinning:. I didn't know any better.
I did everything wrong, yet my hair thrived. I think what helped was the ORS hair line and the availability of Dom. salons around me.:ohwell:
I never protected my relaxed hair prior to LHCF but my scalp was always based to prevent scalp burns.

My hair prior to LHCF (before I started protecting my hair) was very thin. After coming to the site I starting adding oils to the length of my hair (not the new growth) right before a touch up and my hair improved and got thicker.

Pic on left: Before Protecting Length of Hair
Pic on Right: After 1 year of protecting length of hair with oils


I would insist on your stylist basing your scalp. You can always add oil to the length of your hair before you get to the salon.

Good Luck
Yes, my scalp was always based before lhcf. This is the norm so if your stylist isnt doing it, won't comply or makes a big fuss you need to look elsewhere in my opinion.
Yes, I protected my previously relaxed hair before finding LHCF. Mostly because one of the kits I used to use (Dark and Lovely I think) started providing a little packet of cream for that purpose years ago. After I switched to Motions I still used Vaseline or something on the ends. I bought Honey Shield when I switched to Mizani.
Absolutely protect your ends. Why even take the chance?
B4 LHCF I was basing my scalp most of the times prior, else the HS would do it. After LHCF I would protect my previous relax hair with chi silk infusion or EVOO, but the HS would spray that dry shampoo and take away my efforts. That was frustrating. Now I relax my own hair and able to do as I please.

If you go in without pre-basing your scalp, just make sure you request it if they don’t do it before reaching for that relaxer. Protect your ends and previous relax hair before going in. Take some before pics and after and post in the Relaxer Reveal Thread. Good luck and hope all comes out well!