Before and After


New Member

Ive been looking at several of your photo journals and am quite impressed with the length that many of you have achieved. I am now motivated to start my own photo journal. Is it possible for some of you such as Sherry Love whose hair is just beautiful and others who have journals, to post your before pictures for us newbies so we can get an idea of the kind of length you achieved and how long it took you to achieve it?

Thanks in advance!
Have you checked out Adrienne's album? She has inspired me and soooo many others here. Her pics shows her gradual growth.
i was gone say... but you beat me to it, honeycomb!

thazmebab, my before pic is from 3 years ago, but my hair had been that length for MANY years until the hair boards found me. so i'm here to tell you that it's possible even if you've been trying for years and years like i had...