Before and after relaxer - hair care


"Honestly, Truly"
Hi, tell me, what measures do you take to protect your hair against a relaxer that is due, and at what stage do you care for it after your relaxer?

E.G do you give yourself a protein treatment one week before a relaxer? and one week after?

before a relaxer--base your scalp with vaseline, petroleum jelly, or some time of oil

after a relaxer--neutralizing shampoo

thats all I do before and after a relaxer. After drying my hair, I just treated like i do normally. I havent ever gotten a protein treatment yet so I couldnt tell ya about that. I would wait 4-6 weeks before getting a protein treatment after a relaxer.
week before relaxer. use castor oil(or any oil)on your scalp daily to prtect it during the touch up. and a week before do a protein tratment to strengthen the hair. week after clarify to get rid of relaxer build up and do a recontructive treatment to fill in what the relaxer has taken out e.g.
aphogee treatment
affirm 5 in 1 reconstructer
Thanx! I'm getting my hair 'touched up' on Friday, and I was curious if anyone does anything special before getting theirs done! thank you both.

I don't recommend applying castor oil the day before, my stylist told me it may prohibt the relaxer from processing correctly.
I am scared of my relaxer reverting so this is what I do...
I do a protein three days before my touch-up. Clarify and a moisturizing conditioner w/ protein properties the week after.
I do a heavy duty protein treatment with Dudley DRC 28 week before relaxer and use castor oil that week also.
Two week after relaxer I do another protein treatment with DRC 28 again and follow up with a moisturizer and apply no heat.
Thank you! I'm going to do a apoghee keratin reconstructor tonight. Then maybe a little clarifying satchet with lekair cholesterol conditioner the week after.

I've been told though, washing a week after a touch up removes the perm completely?! I'm going to ask my aunt!

I've washed three days after getting a touch up and I've never had any problems. I don't think you have to wait before you wash your hair.
This last touchup I washed two days before and had some burning (I think it is because I didn't lay off the Surge in advance)

In two weeks I will do a protein treatment with Joico, two weeks later GPB, two weeks later Aphogee then the rest depends on when I schedule my relaxer I usually try torepeat that cycle throwing in some mild proteins like Keraphix or CPR in there sometimes.

You cannot remove a perm some products like heavy duty proteins when used too soon can put back in some bonds creating awavy look in your straight hair but the "perm" is not removed.