Before and After Pics

Your hair looks like you went to the salon. I love airdrying. I haven't stopped since I joined this site.:grin:
Question for you, is your hair relaxed or natural? I ask this because of the length difference when you flat iron. It is beautiful though for sure girl!
That hair is beauti-mous! I think the hair texture has alot to do with it. I don't get those results when I air dry. I'm a 4a/b
Thank you so much ladies! I learned EVERYTHING from this site!! I air dry my hair in a braided or twisted pony tail. The next day, (or two whenever it dries) I flat iron with my maxiglide. I usually add my moisturizers, oils or whatever after that and then put back in a pony and cover with a scarf, if i dont have to go out. That night before bed, I curl with a curling iron, MOST of the time I will sleep in satin foam rollers, the next day, take them out, finger comb and Im out the door. My curls will usually last all week, in the evening I put my hair in a bun and take out the next morning. So I do no combing or brushing until next wash day. So here it is, hope this helps. Again, thanks for the comments. Oh, my texture is 4a, some b is in there too.
Thank you so much ladies! I learned EVERYTHING from this site!! I air dry my hair in a braided or twisted pony tail. The next day, (or two whenever it dries) I flat iron with my maxiglide. I usually add my moisturizers, oils or whatever after that and then put back in a pony and cover with a scarf, if i dont have to go out. That night before bed, I curl with a curling iron, MOST of the time I will sleep in satin foam rollers, the next day, take them out, finger comb and Im out the door. My curls will usually last all week, in the evening I put my hair in a bun and take out the next morning. So I do no combing or brushing until next wash day. So here it is, hope this helps. Again, thanks for the comments. Oh, my texture is 4a, some b is in there too.

Your hair looks great!! Exactly what kind of oils and moisturizers do you use?