

New Member
I was wondering if any of u had any experience with beeswax and if so what did u use it for and how did u like and would rate it? I am not going to relax until may and my last touch up was in january so a girl on another forum told me that a mix of beeswax would help soften the newgrowth. I am just kind of reluctant so any input on it would help, good or bad. TIA
I've used products with beeswax in them: CD Healthy Hair Butter and CD Some of Marguerite's Magic. They did soften/smooth my new growth for about 6 months. I stopped using it about a week or so ago b/c it began to make my hair hard. Not sure if it was from the buildup of beeswax.

I tend to think you can find a better alternative than just straight beeswax.
Ok Hairlove, thanks for the input. Do u think claryfing would prevent the beeswax from building up and thus prevent the beeswax from making the hair hard in the long run?
I think that beeswax is just like petroleum or mineral oil... hard as heck to get out.

Try some coconut oil, wgo or s-curl or something else that you know definately would not build up on you
Hey purtygurly... I already got S-Curl that I mix with some olive oil but I was wondering if there wouldnt be something that could be more effective...
MindTwister - not sure about clarifying. I had been doing that. But then again, I'm a transitioner and so my hair is not a in a "stable" state. I'm testing how my hair does without petroleum, beeswax, or mineral oil.
Well what hair type do you have?

I find that saturating my hair with leave in conditioner (razac) and adding coconut, hot six oil or wgo keeps the new growth especially moist.

Other stuff that works well for me:
Ors Olive oil lotion
Ors carrot oil

I always airdry and I have 4a hair.
I have 4b hair (I think lol) I only put leave in my hair twice a week I think I'm gonna increasse that frequency. I'm gonna try and mix my Profectiv Mega Growth with EVOO and see what it does... I have the EQP recovery but it does nothing on dry hair so.. Anyways if u have any other suggestions ladies let me know... TIA