Been using Motions but would like to switch


New Member
Hi Ladies,

For years I have been using the Motions relaxer for my hair. It hasn't been a bad relaxer but I can't help but wonder if there are better alternatives out there. My hair doesn't always have that same shine and smoothness that I see so often on many other ladies' hair. Anyone here who made the switch from Motions to another brand? What was the brand? Were the results better? Please share....TIA

hey candycane,

I was using motions for a while too but my stylist switched to Arosci saying it was better. However i hadnt been using motions for very long so i really cant say which is better cos i didnt have a chance to study the outcomes to compare them. I also hope theres at least someone who can give help on both and other relaxers that may be better.

sorry i wasnt of much help but i'll keep u posted if i find anything

When I did my own hair, I used Motions which was ok. When I last got my hair relaxed by a stylist, she used Affirm. I love it! My hair was so silky and smooth and shiny! There are others here that rave about Affirm as well. I'm sure others will post singing it's praises.