Been sick too...


New Member
Okay, so i've been really sick and hospitalized.....but in my vanity, although I could barely lift the spoon to eat that NASTY food, I found the strength to rub a little MTG in!!! (made the hubby bring it...pissed off all the nurses!! Not good!) So this is week 2, and I usually see 3-5 mm growth in 2 weeks, and I've ssen NOTHING!!!! I know when you're sick your body stops supplementing the unimportant things (hair, skin, nails) now that I'm home, and force feeding myself the vitamins, and eating even though I want to puke everytime I get near a fork....I'm hoping that I get back on track.
Anyone else's hair suffers when they get sick?? I noticed when my grandmother was sick and hospitalized (and i DOOOOO mean sick) her hair GREW LIKE MAD!!!!!! And she said that it was a first for her...
Well first of all, I'm glad that you're back at home and I hope and pray you're feeling better. Your hair just may be adjusting because you were sick. Give it some time, take care of your health, and deep condition when you can and it will snap back, don't worry. Take care!:)
First of all Brownsugar9999, I hope you feel better soon, keep your (stinky) head up girl! :)

I was very sick for about a month a year hair didn't grow at all during that time.

But I noticed, when my deceased grandma was very ill and on bedrest, she basically refused to eat. ...we had to make her drink Ensure. Her hair grew like crazy.
My 100 year-old grandma is going through the same thing right now...and her hair is growing like wildfire as well. I honestly believe it's something in that drink that provides enough nutrients to support hair growth.
Thank you ladies...had pneumonia, ended up in the hospital on the 3rd...raised out in time for the superbowl:lachen: :grin: Had the hubby bring my laptop on the first day, but still couldn't get on, so I gave up!!! But I'm back to being a stink bomb on a regular basis...might try some Ensure or Boost, but that stuff is pretty badddd too.
brownsugar9999 said:
Okay, so i've been really sick and hospitalized.....but in my vanity, although I could barely lift the spoon to eat that NASTY food, I found the strength to rub a little MTG in!!! (made the hubby bring it...pissed off all the nurses!! Not good!) So this is week 2, and I usually see 3-5 mm growth in 2 weeks, and I've ssen NOTHING!!!! I know when you're sick your body stops supplementing the unimportant things (hair, skin, nails) now that I'm home, and force feeding myself the vitamins, and eating even though I want to puke everytime I get near a fork....I'm hoping that I get back on track.
Anyone else's hair suffers when they get sick?? I noticed when my grandmother was sick and hospitalized (and i DOOOOO mean sick) her hair GREW LIKE MAD!!!!!! And she said that it was a first for her...

:lol: Since you are feeling better, its hilarious to read that even sickness couldnt keep you away from MTG, you must have been getting good results all along to be this determined:lol:.

Good to hear you are doing much better now.
:lol: Hey Sweetie! Glad you're back and feeling a bit better! I'm loving the fact that you kept w/the MTG!!

I missed your crazy posts! :rosebud:
Hey, good to hear you are doing better.:)
When I was in the hospital for about five days, my hair grew like crazy!:eek: I was not able to eat anything because I was being fed through an IV. I really think that whatever was in that IV contributed to the growth. I also remember gaining weight which upset me because I just knew I was going to be on my way to a skinnier me after not eating for five days:lol: Aahhh, vanity:lol:
JewelleNY said:
Hey, good to hear you are doing better.:)
When I was in the hospital for about five days, my hair grew like crazy!:eek: I was not able to eat anything because I was being fed through an IV. I really think that whatever was in that IV contributed to the growth. I also remember gaining weight which upset me because I just knew I was going to be on my way to a skinnier me after not eating for five days:lol: Aahhh, vanity:lol:

That sounds like something I'd hope for. :lol:

Brownsugar, glad you're feeling better!
Glad to hear your recovering pretty well. That is a nasty illness!

Anyway, seems you are in good spirits and ready to jumpstart your haircare game. Join us in the Holla...RUT thread for some encouragement/suggestions.
I'm so sorry that you've been ill, brownsugar9999! Pneumonia is no joke! :nono: I just lost a friend to it, a couple of months ago. He thought that he had a bad cold and died while in the hospital. :( So did another friend who died last year from it. Your hair will get back to normal. Take care of yourself, please! I'll keep you in my prayers! :kiss: (((hug)))
Welcome Home BrownSugar! I'm glad you are getting well again. I'm sure it's only a matter of days before you hair starts back on its normal growth rate. :p
Lkaysgirl said:
:lol: Since you are feeling better, its hilarious to read that even sickness couldnt keep you away from MTG, you must have been getting good results all along to be this determined:lol:.

Good to hear you are doing much better now. that you look at it that way...I may have issues!!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Could that be why the hubby looked at me like I was crazy when I told him to pack it???:confused:
VWVixxen said:
:lol: Hey Sweetie! Glad you're back and feeling a bit better! I'm loving the fact that you kept w/the MTG!!

I missed your crazy posts! :rosebud:
:p Muuuaahhhhhahahahha!!! (squirrel wringing her IV ridden paws..ouch... looking guilty b/c MTG juice all OVER the hospital pillow!!!!!) THe Squirrel is BACK!!!
JewelleNY said:
Hey, good to hear you are doing better.:)
When I was in the hospital for about five days, my hair grew like crazy!:eek: I was not able to eat anything because I was being fed through an IV. I really think that whatever was in that IV contributed to the growth. I also remember gaining weight which upset me because I just knew I was going to be on my way to a skinnier me after not eating for five days:lol: Aahhh, vanity:lol:
Yeah...the no eating thing adn the MTG made me look like a crack fiend and smell like a crack fiend GOING THRU GARBAGE!!!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Thank you for rall the well wishes, my Fur Family!!! Getting the energy to get out of the bed and get around is the biggest challenge right now (but you can always lay in be and rub in the funky bacon juice, right?????) The good thing is that now, i'm nasally congested since yesterday, AND I CAN APPLY IT 100% full STRENGTH!!!! MUUUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA:whip: :angeldevi Hubbyy.......TOO BAD FOR YOU!!!!!
Well firstly, i am so glad that you are doing better. Yea you are correct in stating that your hair/nails wont grow fast if you are sick... I have read a few post of ladies getting sick and their hair growing. they all mentioned it was the IV and the nutrients that made the hair grow. So even though i want my hair to grow...i think that i'll pass on wishing to be in a situation where i'll need an IV. :ohwell:
although I could barely lift the spoon to eat that NASTY food said:
:eek: OMG!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:........(exits thread)

...............(returns with a serious face) I am so sorry you were ill, and I'm happy to hear you are feeling better BrownSugar.:kiss:.....................
(runs off again).......:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: No she didn't :lachen:
sorry to hear about your illness!!

i've got a bad flu at the mo. and i refuse 2 refuse to wash my hair!!
it nearly killed me but i feel so much betta now its clean and conditioned. u kno what helps drinking hot water and lemon. rinses all the badness out and i hear of a few ladies using this too.

swallowing vitamins is a b**tch when your ill but try your best and dont over do it, take some in the morn / afternoon then the night. make sure u eat b4 u take them.

i sound like a nurse! do those things and u should be fine!!

Girl i was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you feel better soon. I had to laugh when i read you had your hubby bring you MTG up there.
Sweetcoco82 said:
Girl i was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you feel better soon. I had to laugh when i read you had your hubby bring you MTG up there. gotta do what you gotta do...I figure if I kicked the bucket while in the Hospital...I needed to have some sexy hair!!!!!