Because i know my worth.....


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is worthy of a new thread but anyways..... i have been reading through all these threads/taking dating advice from you lovely ladies because i'm back on the dating scene and think i've met someone really nice.

He told me a week ago that for our 2nd date he was going to take me to the theatre, dinner and then stand-up comedy show. He wants to make a whole day of it.

We are going tomorrow and he called me this evening to say that the show we had discussed is sold out. I told him i thought he had booked the tickets ages ago. He was very apologetic and said that he had made reservations for dinner and booked the comedy club tickets but hadn't gotten round to the theatre tickets.
We both logged on looking for available shows whilst we were on the phone but everything we fancied seeing was sold out (it's vday weekend as as well as the school holidays here in the UK).

He then told me not to worry and that he would think of something. I made it clear that i wanted to go to the theatre as that was what i had planned for in my head and now everything is up in the air. I am the sort of person that needs to know what i'm doing before i do it, especially for a date. I made it clear that i wasn't going to wander the streets of Central London 'looking for something to do until dinner time'.

Side note: The old me would have said, 'ah never mind, we'll just meet up and find something to do'. :nono:

Poor man said he would ensure we have a great day and that he had been working until 11pm all week (this was true as he had called me from his office number most nights this week) and wrongly presumed that theatre tickets would still be available this evening to book.

He then suggests Paintballing :nono:. We had previously discussed that we'd like to do this oneday. I said a clear, 'no way. I had planned to get dressed up for the theatre :look:.

At this point i am feeling like a spoilt brat and was feeling like i was pressuring him.

He then suggests Shrek The Musical. I had heard good report and read the reviews and agreed. We are both still online whilst on the phone and i think we see the price of the tickets at the same time as there is a bit of silence.....£82 per ticket :blush:.
Now, the old me would have broken the silence and said that that was too much money and that he shouldn't book it blah blah blah...infact i would have offered to pay half.

Instead i said, 'are you going to book them?'
He said, 'it's £82 each'.
I agree with him and say, 'so you don't like Shrek anymore?'
He says, 'Nah, i'm booking it now. I want us to have a really good time i just think the prices have gone up because it's vday weekend.'
I say, 'yeah you're probably right'.

I tell you i found that really hard. I know the old me would have talked him out of booking the tickets or something but i stuck with the 'rules' and kept in my mind that i am absolutely worth spending £164 on tickets on (plus £30 for the comedy club plus dinner :grin:).

Yeah, i know i'm not sat in those comfy theatre seats just yet but at least i did not devalue myself and I made him realise that i don't come cheap :yep:.
I'm happy to hear that you asked for what you truly wanted. Be authentic! Thanks for the inspiration.
LOL I did some mental arithmetic and translated that into American dollars... that is certainly a lot for a second date :lol:

Its so nice that he was willing to do that to make sure that you enjoyed the wknd. He sounds like a nice man. :yep:

I'm assuming this was the same man you told us about earlier? Have fun and please let us know how it goes!!!
That's amazing! I love your story. I hope I can do the same soon. :yep: I can see exactly why that was tough. Good job :yep:
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :yep: and :rofl: at so you don't like Shrek anymore?'

£82 per ticket :blush:.Instead i said, 'are you going to book them?'
He said, 'it's £82 each'.
I agree with him and say, 'so you don't like Shrek anymore?'
He says, 'Nah, i'm booking it now. I want us to have a really good time i just think the prices have gone up because it's vday weekend.'
I say, 'yeah you're probably right'.
Is he able to afford the tickets comfortably? That would have made me uncomfortable too. I hope you guys have a good time.
LOL I did some mental arithmetic and translated that into American dollars... that is certainly a lot for a second date :lol:

Its so nice that he was willing to do that to make sure that you enjoyed the wknd. He sounds like a nice man. :yep:

I'm assuming this was the same man you told us about earlier? Have fun and please let us know how it goes!!!

dont need to translate ,it s the equivalent of the same amount in Dollars as he gets paid in British pounds .
I never got this translate business ,my mom does it all the time and i have to kept reminding her that i get paid in that currency so translating doesnt actually make sense:lol:

OP what you did is right ,if he can afford it he should understand that you re not used to pay half ,you worth the time and money he s willng to invest in you .He seems to like you ,so have a good time and good luck for the future:creatures
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Is he able to afford the tickets comfortably? That would have made me uncomfortable too. I hope you guys have a good time.

I think that is the point. Him being able to afford the tickets is not her concern. He brought up going to the theatre and she was excited about it. Then he dropped the ball. She is simply holding him to his promise, treating him like an adult and a man. If your kid offered to take you to the theatre and dropped the ball you would say don't worry about it. But she is letting him know she expects him to keep his promises to her and that she is assuming that as a man he can figure things out on his own. In the end he will feel better about himself as well for doing what he said he would do and afterall it is Valentine's weekend so IMO he should give her the date he promised because she is worth it.
Is he able to afford the tickets comfortably? That would have made me uncomfortable too. I hope you guys have a good time.

His fault for not getting the other tickets sooner. V-day events are always planned well in advance unless you wanna spend a lot. Now he knows.

OP, I glad you made what you wanted clear and you kept quiet about the prices. alladat isnt your concern. he asked YOU out. simple as that. The fact that he even said "but tickets are 82 each" TO YOU bothered Im thinking he MIGHT think you should "make it up to him"..with that you should play clueless and continue to stand your ground.

After the theatre show, thank him. then after the entire date..thank him gain. That's it. Obviously you should give the air that guys always do things like this for you so you're not gonna seem all desperate or overly impressed.

Have fun and let us know how it goes :yep:
dont need to translate ,it s the equivalent of the same amount in Dollars as he gets paid in British pounds .
I never got this translate business ,my mom does it all the time and i have to kept reminding her that i get paid in that currency so translating doesnt actually make sense:lol:

OP what you did is right ,if he can afford it he should understand that you re not used to pay half ,you worth the time and money he s willng to invest in you .He seems to like you ,so have a good time and good luck for the future:creatures
LOL you're right :lol:

Those seats were oh so comfy - ha ha. :grin:
The whole date was soooo nice. We spent 10hrs together and didn't want to say goodbye....he paid for everything except i bought us one drink. He gave me a very public kiss too towards the end of the date. Chemisty was so intense before that moment :yep:.
He asked for a third date during our time together plus said he wants to spend his birthday with me.

By the way @Je Ne Sais Quoi , what's a skippy? Someone who bows out of their promises?

Oh and yes, i believe he is comfortably able to afford the tickets. I honestly don't hold his initial reaction to the cost of the tickets against him. I've come to find out that that is the actual cost, not a bumped up price. It's a new show and tickets in the West End are ridiculously high.
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Yes! It sounds absolutely lovely...I'm glad you guys had a great time. You have to set the he knows...keep up! I love it!