Beauty school....


New Member
So I've been talking to my cousin, whose here from Atlanta. Almost everyday, I just end up talking about hair, what's good for his hair, introducing him to new products and just giving tips 24/7. So we got to talking, while I was doing the "rake & smooth" technique to his natural 4a, very defined hair; and he told me that I should look into doing hair as a second job while going to the university in the fall.

Now I've always loved hair, my moms hair, cousins hair, my hair, all hair. So my love for hair and knowledge behind it has only grown more and more each day. So now, I'm really considering going to beauty school while attending college, so that I can help others with their hair problems. Not really for the money(unsure of how much they even make) but people should have the hair that they want, without terrible heat damage, drips and chops that they dont even want, and unpleasant time in a salon.

What do you ladies think of the whole LHCF future beautician idea?
I think you should go for it!!!

I have been going back and forth with the idea of going back to school for hair/cosmetology, but I'm not very focused right now on going back to school after graduating from school 2 years ago. I have a passion for hair too and if that's your passion and you don't care about how much money you'll make, go for it! :yep:
I think you should go for it!!!

I have been going back and forth with the idea of going back to school for hair/cosmetology, but I'm not very focused right now on going back to school after graduating from school 2 years ago. I have a passion for hair too and if that's your passion and you don't care about how much money you'll make, go for it! :yep:

Thanks for the encouragement. :meme: It's always been something in the back of my mind, just was never so sure of myself. I understand where you're coming from. Moms been in school for ten years, off and on.
girl, hair stylists get PAID. if you are good and knowledgeable at what you do you could probably forego that 4 year university degree altogether :sekret: :lachen:just think of that girl reneice who does practically seamless weaves and is knowledgeable on how to grow her clients' own hair. you know she is paid out the ass with regular clients, a waiting list of clients, and higher than average prices.
You have to base your decision on what your desire is. If this is something that you want to do then yes you should do it. If this is something that you are planning to do "on the side" then you may want to get adjusted to your college schedule first before adding beauty school. You don't want to bite off more than you can chew.

Should you decided to go to beauty school, remember that you are there to learn their way of doing hair, you can incorporate the information that you learned here once you get your license.
You have to base your decision on what your desire is. If this is something that you want to do then yes you should do it. If this is something that you are planning to do "on the side" then you may want to get adjusted to your college schedule first before adding beauty school. You don't want to bite off more than you can chew.

Should you decided to go to beauty school, remember that you are there to learn their way of doing hair, you can incorporate the information that you learned here once you get your license.

Thanks so much for your response. At the moment, it is just a side thing since I'm going straight thru till my masters, so I might have to get adjusted. Thanks again.
Girl, if you are good at it, if you're interested in learning about the mechanics of HEALTHY hair care (unlike many beauticians out there) and you have the ability to make women feel better about themselves and their hair...YOU ABOUT TO GET PAID!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Take your skills and run like the wind!

If I could find a beautician that has spent time in this forum, who has learned some wonderful techniques...I would be a regular client.

Go with God's grace.