Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that "F"


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Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

I earned my "F" by using Isoplus Foam Wrap Lotion for about 3 years slowly breaking off all my hair. you would have thought i would have stopped....but that hard *** wrap lotion had it's grip on me
what about you ladies....where have you really failed yourself with hair care or habits in the past???
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

Not rinsing my hair after working out, made it dry and break off
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

Years of combing conditioner thru my hair with a rattail comb and ripping my hair out. I thought the conditioner wasn't getting on all of my hair when I used a wide tooth comb....silly me.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

I used any shampoo that appealed to my nose. All shampoos are the same right?

Other big mistakes were believing ad copy and not reading labels.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

ThickNBeautiful said:
Glueing weaves in my hair (when I already HAD hair

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Made my hair thin out terribly.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

<font color="blue">Using the curling iron EVERDAY - wanting to know why my curling iron was all matted with gel &amp; the ends of my hair
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

andreamaria said:
<font color="blue">Using the curling iron EVERDAY - wanting to know why my curling iron was all matted with gel &amp; the ends of my hair

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That's how I ended up with less than 1" of hair in 7th grade. I thought I was grown with my Gold N Hot iron (probably on the highest setting) and some spritz. That iron was BLACK by the end of the school year.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

That reminds me of the time I was in 6th grade. I use to use the curling iron, almost everyday to make shirley temple curls (spirals) in the front. I'd spritz my hair with Pump It Up and then put the curlers to it. The next day, I'd repeat the process, by combing out the curls (w/ spritz in them and all), spritz again, and curl. My hair broke off so bad and I am still recovering from it 7 years later.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Where do I began.

Doing my own relaxer
Putting color in my hair after doing my relaxers
Using curling irons every day
Just not taking care of my hair
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Allowing bleach-blonde thick highlights put in my relaxed hair.

however, I earn my own F everytime I stop doing something that works, and start doing something else (because of hype and raves on the board), and end up suffering for it.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

ThickNBeautiful said:
andreamaria said:
<font color="blue">Using the curling iron EVERDAY - wanting to know why my curling iron was all matted with gel &amp; the ends of my hair

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That's how I ended up with less than 1" of hair in 7th grade. I thought I was grown with my Gold N Hot iron (probably on the highest setting) and some spritz. That iron was BLACK by the end of the school year.

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That's me too! I used to use my Gold N Hot curling iron and hot comb, all of the time!

But that's all behind me now... I like to think I'm earning my A's since coming to LHCF!
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Blowdrying on high with a rattail comb and then using my Gold N Hot to flat iron on the highest setting.
I used to get away wwith this when I was in high school in Trinidad.It broke my hair off bad my first Canadian winter..and second

My third winter is almost over and my hair is going great thanks to this board!!
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

*Brushing my hair with a hard nylon bristle brush while my hair was wet
*Getting relaxers too often and too straight
*Not using enough anti-heat methods
*TRYING out new stylists
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

using a brush, not using conditioner @ all and thinking i had a decent head of hair because i could comb through it with a rattail comb... it ended up all on the floor.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

gettin hawain silky super b/c i thought it would make it silky just made it tore up! (my sister used it, i was young, glad i know about hair types)

rattail combs period are NOT for my hair

, lost wayyyy to much length and money. my hair curled up out of the braids and i had to take them out after2 months
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

I earned my F by blow drying on the highest setting and curling with a curling iron, also on the highest setting, right after. That's not all, I didn't use a moisturizer or protectant because I wanted my hair to swing and not get weighed down. Luckily enough I didn't go bald but I was getting close.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

I earned my F by getting highlights over color-treated, relaxed hair, and also using the blow-dryer and curling iron faithfully, on top of all those chemicals!!
I ended up having to cut my shoulder length hair off into an ear length bob.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

andreamaria said:
<font color="blue">Using the curling iron EVERDAY - wanting to know why my curling iron was all matted with gel &amp; the ends of my hair

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i never really learned how to take care of relaxed hair when i had it.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Trying to hold onto trifling ends. I could've saved myself a lot of hair.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Getting my braids done too small - the amount of hair I've lost as a result of that is ridiculous.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

At 18 or 19 I bought a flat iron with wide plates. I burned a lock of the hair at my crown to about an inch long. The rest was past shoulder length. It was back to the latch hook braids...

I'm STILL earning low marks in the battle
to manage new growth while spacing out relaxer touchups. Let's hope this combination of Breakthru shampoo and Elucence MB conditioner will help me win.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

I earned my F back in the days when I was so lazy that I would let about 10 days go by before washing my hair.

Now, keep in mind that I noticed that my hair started breaking off at about 7 days. I even thought to myself, "Wow, I'd lose less hair if I washed more often." But did that make wash more frequently? Oh, no. It was too much "work."

Now that I wash my hair every 5 days, I see that it's not work at all, and my hair is thriving!!

Oh, another F was earned when I would wash my hair and not comb it and just put it in a nappy ponytail and go to sleep. Again, I was too tired.

The next day it would take me hours to comb through the matted hair, and I'd end up with a gigantic hair ball. Boy, the dumb things we do to our hair
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

Hi Nay
i also resemble your avatar 12 weeks into my touchup
LHCF members have such Eeeenteresssting lives
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that

The same with me gluing weaves in my head. discontinued but my hair is still thin. Help!!!
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

I have done almost every dumb thing in the book to my hair but I got my "F" because I was too intimidated to say anything to my now ex-stylist after she left me sitting (head tilted back over the sink) for about 10 minutes with relaxer on my head (mind you this was after the smoothing process) I knew there was a chance my hair would be over processed but I said nothing because I have been going to her for a while and I figured she knew what she was doing now thanks to LHCF I know better) Well, my hair is overprocessed and I am dealing with the fall-out.
Re: Beauty School Dropout-- How did you earn that \"F\"

Falon said:
I have done almost every dumb thing in the book to my hair but I got my "F" because I was too intimidated to say anything to my now ex-stylist after she left me sitting (head tilted back over the sink) for about 10 minutes with relaxer on my head (mind you this was after the smoothing process) I knew there was a chance my hair would be over processed but I said nothing because I have been going to her for a while and I figured she knew what she was doing now thanks to LHCF I know better) Well, my hair is overprocessed and I am dealing with the fall-out.

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hi falon
awwwee now she was just wrong for that
welcome to LHCF and dont worry, we'll help you get your hair back in shape in no time