Beauty Herbal Henna - Anybody ever use this brand???


New Member
What were your expericences with it?...


Is it good, or should I go after a better brand?

Heres what it says on the front of the box:

Now added with coffee

Mehendi blended with Amla Brahmi,Shikakai,Mahabringraj,Taqnnin etc

For hair Colourin and Conditioning

The back of the box:

Contains hand-packed, rare quality henna powder blended with herbs for promoting growth, conditioning, and preventing hair loss.

I happen to live in a small indo-asian community and saw this brand among others(like Jamila, and Reshma), the ingredients look pretty good so I decided to pick it up, but like I do with any product I buy, I research , and for some reason I coulnd find much info on this stuff...

Im plan on doing hendigo with it , if its good, otherwise i'll just pick up henna from Kenzi in NYC

Also if I use this alone, do you think it can intensify the darkness or darken my hair at all??
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I've never used that brand but I've used other herbal hennas ( henna + amla+ shikakai....) and they work beautifully both for conditioning and coloring purposes.

I've used Hesh Henara and members of the board have reported good results with Reshma henna.