Be still and know that I am GOD.


Well-Known Member
Do you meditate? I love to talk with God. However there are times when I have trouble stilling my mind. Seems like my mind just goes into overtime thinking about everything under the sun. What's the secret to being still before the Lord?
I want to know too. I'm in a place where the only scripture that keeps coming to my mind is to be still and see the salvation of the Lord. I pray, then try to keep my mind focused and not let these negative thoughts creep in but I keep losing my focus and the negative thoughts do creep in. How can I still my mind?
I have a book called "Simple Meditation" by Anna Voigt. Here are some tips from it:

Meditation is not concentration. It is simple awareness! You simply relax and watch the breathing. In that watching, nothing is excluded.

It talks about relaxing, setting a regular time and place, posture, clothing, etc...but I'll just skip to the attention parts you asked about.

Focus of Attention
Either close your eyes or turn your gaze downwards. Whether your eyes are closed or slightly open, your focus remains soft and directed inwards~unless you are meditating on an exterior object. Whatever the object of your attention, be it the breath, an image or sound, you peripherally notice, accept, and let go of passing thoughts, feelings and sensations.

Letting Go
While meditating, pay attention to what arises in each successive moment and accept all as simply 'what is', always coming back to, and holding, the object of concentration--i.e. the practice of mindfulness. Do not hold on to perceived 'bad' or 'good' moments, but allow moments to pass. Let go of your ego-self. My late father-in-law was fond of the Christian epithet "Man proposes, God disposes."...We are all imperfect beings in an imperfect world ~ and let that go too!

Dealing with thoughts
Do not suppress your thoughts, but when they arise, notice them and dispel them. You can let them simply dissolve, release them in 'bubbles', tell them you are occupied right now, or name them and release them. Be sure to come back to your focus of concentration continually.

I bought this book for $6. It's a really good book. Has lots of different mediation techniques in it such as : breathing and meditation, yoga and meditation, sound and aroma in meditation, visualization and meditation, meditating with color, meditation and movement, traditional meditations, and incorporating meditation into a busy working day.
I feel like I have converstions with God, mentally and sometimes out loud. I think our relationship has evolved, and is still evolving.

I think most people worship God out of fear, but whe you truly start to KNOW Him, you start to act like a friend/daughter towards Him.

I don't meditate in the sense that ppl mean it today (saying "om" and feeling energy, etc). I can walk outside, and reflect on God's goodness, and just chill with Him. Does that make sense?
ladydee36330 said:
I want to know too. I'm in a place where the only scripture that keeps coming to my mind is to be still and see the salvation of the Lord. I pray, then try to keep my mind focused and not let these negative thoughts creep in but I keep losing my focus and the negative thoughts do creep in. How can I still my mind?
Dee, if you keep hearing the Spirit of the Lord telling you to be still and see His salvation, you are in a good place! God is talking to you. I've told you many times before, God's got some surprises in store for you, woman. Wait and see! ;)

I'm a prayer warrior. And I find that the best time for me to pray without distractions is very early in the morning, like 3:30 or 4:30 am. So, I wake up at that hour every morning to meet God. Yes, every morning. I don't have to deal with the kids, or the phone ringing, or noise from traffic. It's early enough that there's nothing to distract me, and as I begin to praise and worship, He begins to speak into my spirit. That's when God tells me to do certain things, and pray for certain people, to be watchful of certain things, etc.

To be still and wait on God is difficult to do, because we want to get in there and do things for ourselves, especially when we feel God is not moving fast enough for us. But whenever you want to move ahead on your own, stop and think about what the consequences might be in not waiting on Him. If you've been through some stuff you'd rather not repeat, like myself, you learn to try to be a little more calm. :lol:
Ladies You Truly Are A Blessing I Really Need To See Your Messages This Froum Helps Out In More Ways Than One Stay Strong And Blessed. :)