Be Mindful


Well-Known Member
Be Mindful

Melanie Chitwood

"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth."

Colossians 3:2 (NAS)

About a year ago, my husband and I, along with another couple, began moving forward with a dream of opening an indoor basketball/volleyball gym. We've prayed and taken steps on this path, and now our business has opened. In the midst of starting this new business, the economy began a downward slide that we never could have anticipated. So what was already a risky endeavor has become even riskier.

I watch the news, and it's easy to feel fearful and to think, Are we crazy to continue to pursue this new business?! People ask me if we're afraid, and just their questioning leads me down a road of thinking we should be more afraid than we are. Others express their skepticism, and then it's easy to wonder, Should we just bail out and cut our losses now?

When I take my eyes off my circumstances or stop focusing on what others say, my perspective changes. Then I can say to myself and others, We're walking in faith as we set our eyes on God. We're trusting Him each step of the way, and we're trusting Him with the outcome, whatever that may be."
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As you read today's devotion, I'm sure you have some worries also. You worry about losing a job, paying bills, or medical problems. You may be worried about a wayward child, aging parents, or a crumbling marriage. It's so easy to let our circumstances determine our thoughts and feelings, isn't it? Today's verse tells us we have a choice about what we choose to think about. In other words, do we set our minds on our circumstances or on God?

It's also easy to listen to the lies of this culture, lies that say that faith is really impractical. Don't be deceived by this wrong thinking. In the midst of a whole lot of uncertainty, set your mind on the one certainty in life: God loves you and He is in control.

Dear Lord,
Thank You that in the midst of uncertain times, fearful times, and heart-aching times, You are the One I can be certain of. Thank You for being a Sure Thing, for now and always. Let my mind be filled with You, and then I will know Your peace which is supernatural. Lord, I pray that You will strengthen me in this trial, and during it, let me come out of it on the other side with a stronger trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
]Application Steps:

1> Are your thoughts fixed on the news of the media, or on God's Word? Consider limiting how much you watch or read the news. Don't be tempted to think that this is denying reality. It's not. It's setting your mind on things above.

2> You can direct your thoughts to God by reading Scripture, praying, or listening to praise music. Let these remind you of who God is and that He is in control.

3> Are you taking time to talk to God about all your fears, concerns, and worries?

4>Are you leaving your burdens with the Lord, or do you carry them around yourself trying to come up with a solution on your own?

5>Have you talked to a godly friend about your situation, or are you trying to hide your concerns from others so you appear strong?

Power Verses:

Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (NIV)

Isaiah 41:10, "'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'" (NAS)

John 14:27, "'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.'" (NIV)
Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up
John 2:19.

It was not until after the Resurrection that His disciples remembered that wonderful promise: When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said (verse 22).

Strange -- His enemies kept track of every declaration of His deity and called for a guard at the tomb to prevent His resurrection. His disciples did not remember the promise until after it was fulfilled.

How like those disciples we often are! Neglecting the Book of God's promises -- the Bible -- we fret and stew over a thousand things. We pray but doubt --

commit burdens to the Lord and take them back again -- tremble over trifles.

Then, when God has been faithful in carrying us through, we remember that He has promised to do so. We have escaped our expected tragedy through the goodness of God, but what mileage we have placed on our bodies and minds because we have neglected His promises. And all for no reason.

It's a good day to stand on the promises of God!
Thanks kayte for posting this. I was just talking to my DH yesterday about this very exact subject. As I'm going thru whatever I am going thru right now and those around me are going thru, I just can't seem to understand how people say don't look at the situation, look at what God says. How do you not look at the situation especially when the problem/issue is staring you right in the face. For me, at least, it takes A LOT during the storm to focus on what God says. It really is very easy to allow my circumstances to control my feelings and thoughts. And as much as I read my Bible (it's not all in me yet but it will be) I do forget what He says in His Word especially in the midst of my problem. Anyway I'm working on this everyday especially right now. It takes practice (with every trial). Thanks kayte. God bless you. This is right on time.
thank you,plain j...I hear you , is exactly as you say...a practice
and that does take is really putting on the full armor of God and
requires supernatural diligence and focus..

we can ask Him for that,too. I know I sure need to.
blessings, plain j~
praying for you :)