Be encouraged: My personal testimony


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon ladies,

It has been a while since I posted in the Christian Forum although I always follow the group and remain encouraged by you ladies.

I want to share with you my personal testimony. I have been wanting to do this for a while but now I can no longer wait. I feel like someone needs to here and see this so here goes.

In October 2012 my husband was involved in a major car accident. He blacked out behind the wheel while driving and he went completely under a parked 18 wheel transfer truck on the street we lived on. We have 2 children who at the time were 21 month and 3 months! My world was coming to end, so it seemed.

He was rushed to the hospital with severe brain swelling, diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury. He was placed in a coma and medically paralized because his brain pressure levels were sky rocketing. The doctors had no hope of him making it out alive and if he did he would be wheel chair bound and never the same.

He was in the coma for 4 weeks and I was praying and singing and had no one but God to turn to. Nothing anyone could do would have saved my husband. Around the 4th week turn around came. His brain pressure was stabilizing!! They took him down off of some meds and he began moving some.

He was not moving the left side of his body at all. One night as I was praying and laying hands on his left side he lifted his arm in the air 3 times. Mind you he was still in a coma.

Now he was doing what the doctors said could not happen. He needed to go to rehab I was assured he would not get into the best on in our area and he would probably go to a nursing home. He was 37 at the time, I was 30 so he did not need to be a nursing home. Again God worked a miracle he was admitted into the best rehab in the area! Over the next 3 months he went from barely speaking, low concentration and not walking having no movement in his left side to leaving rehab on Feb 1st 2013 and walking in our home!!

At the time of the accident our marriage was on the verge of divorce. We were constantly fighting and arguing. We were struggling to keep our head above water. Out of this miracle that God has done in our lives He saved our marriage. We are one. More in love then the day we married! We are blessed to be able to raise our children together. We both are truly new creations and I give God all the glory, praise and honor . Our lifes purpose and call is to spread the gospel. I have to tell our story.

You have to know how bad and dark your situation is our God is a God of second chances of miracles and He can and will turn your situation out for God!!! Please have faith whatever your measure is right now.

We have established our ministry and have been focusing on our health. Losing weight by watching our carbs and exercising. Please visit our ministry website and here is the link to the youtube video I made of our testimony

I pray it blesses you and gives you the hope you need to keep going! In Jesus Name!
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Thanks for sharing! It meant/means a lot to read your testimony when I am going through a time of doubt about my situation. Very encouraging!!!
Thank you ladies. I am so happy that our testimony has encouraged you. God is more than able and He loves us so much and is concerned about every area of our lives!
Sometimes it takes tragedy to help people make changes. I hope you are able to help him succeed and may your marriage continue to grow stronger each day!
Sometimes it takes tragedy to help people make changes. I hope you are able to help him succeed and may your marriage continue to grow stronger each day!

I totally agree!! It takes more for some of us to turn our lives around but isn't it great how God allows it but has a master plan for our good the entire time! I love it.
I cried reading this. God bless you, your hubby and your ministry.

God bless you sis. Love is You (your name fits you). Your crying was you feeling the love that God poured out on us. I know He did so that we can give the love back to all who hear our testimony! Thank you for receiving our testimony. It means alot to me. To be honest with you I was so hesistant to put our testimony on here. The enemy was in my mind saying now people will be in my business but I had to shake that off. I want people to be in my life to see what the Lord has done, the impossible!!! If it helps heal, save or set someone free thats what I care about. He gave us this testimony to encourage all who hear and see it. There is so much more but I have tried to condense it to give the highlighted points, but God worked the greatest and the least details out for us.

While this was going on I kept saying Lord how can I go through this with 2 small babies. I had barely recovered from my C section 3 months earlier and I was going back and forth to the ICU every day. The nurses said my husband was one of the sickest patients on the floor. Several patients with less severe injuries than my husband passed away but He spared my husband. He kept my family together and we owe God all of our lives. He carried me through it all and I thank Him beyond what words can describe.
To God be the glory!!!!!! thank you very much for sharing....after seeing and feeling his mercy whenever you say "God is good", you know you truely mean it.
Praise God!!!!

Thank you for your testimony! May God bless your husband, yourself, your children and your extended family :)
I'm so thankful that my testimony has been received by you all. Thank you and I pray and praise God in advance for doing the impossible in you all's life as well.

We are Overcomers and nothing will stand in they way of us walking into the abundent life that God has for us. We may slip and fall put God picks us up each time. He is our keeper, our strength!! I love Him with my whole being and I'm so humbled by His love.

I'm so thankful that my testimony has been received by you all. Thank you and I pray and praise God in advance for doing the impossible in you all's life as well.

We are Overcomers and nothing will stand in they way of us walking into the abundent life that God has for us. We may slip and fall put God picks us up each time. He is our keeper, our strength!! I love Him with my whole being and I'm so humbled by His love.