Bc'd.... Again!!


Well-Known Member
Y'all pray for me... I BC'd almost a year ago. Six weeks ago, I relaxed again... I got tired of my mom complaining about my nappy head. Well, the relaxer went TERRIBLY wrong. I think it was a combination of my scalp being really sensitive and the stylist using a regular instead of a mild relaxer on my already irritated scalp. But my hair started coming out in clumps.

So, on Friday I said '*** it and had the relaxer shaved off. I have about a half of a centimeter of hair all over.

Y'all pray that I finally leave the relaxers alone for good.

I'm going all in this time. GHE, Kimmaytube Leave-in, daily co-washes, vitamins, etc...
Congrats on your BC. Any pics? Hopefully your scalp can recover from the relaxer. Do you know what brand of relaxer your hair dresser used?