BC Question


New Member
I am finally going to do it! I had my last perm in Jan and have been doing mini chops along the way. I am now at neck length and am tired of these straight ends.

Here are my questions:

Did you do the BC yourself or go to a salon?

If you did it yourself was your hair wet or dry?

i went to a salon. i washed my hair and let it aridry. you can really see the texture difference that way. then he cut me down to about 1 inch of hair! (i had only been growing it for 6-8 weeks). good luck!
I did it myself. i washed my hair and let it aridry (free form and product free): better definition between the two textures. I cut the relaxed hair (I was APL+) and I had maybe 1 inch of natural hair!
After : wet or conditioner wash and add product.
Maybe you will need one or two more trims after some months.
I went to a salon, it was an impulse decision but unexpectedly I ended up knowing the stylist who did my hair and thank GOD she wasn't scissor happy! Anywho she chopped my hair after towel drying it. I think it depends on your individual hair whether it should be wet or dry. I had so much "new growth" that my straight ends were curling up too! So my hair had to be somewhat wet so that it could be cut properly
I did it on soaking wet conditioner saturated hair. bit by bit. i never got it 'shaped' or handled by a pro for the entire year+ i was natural.
I did it myself on wet hair. I still have some short pieces left over so eventually I'm going to the salon to get it cut off.
I went to a stylist and she cut it dry. She asked if I wanted a shape to it but I said no so she just chopped it down. She then washed it and cut any relaxed pieces that she might have missed and put pomade in it.