BC Naturals – Words of Encouragement!!!


New Member
Hello Ladies,
I know that some ladies feel anxious after their BC for many reasons. I loved my BC but found it hard to adjust to my hair at the length it was. My solution when I don’t want to deal with my hair is braids.
BUT over the last 2 months I have had my hair in twist, redone every 2 weeks. Now with shrinkage my twists are short. But the more I see it, the more I get used to it and enjoy it.
Suggestion: Find a protective style that allows your hair to be seen, twists, braid outs etc... Try to enjoy your hair instead of hiding it away in braids or weaves. Also, keep in mind that once your hair grows out, you may miss the days your hair was short. Also, accept that it is a learning curve and your hair is growing!!1
Just my thoughts.

Hello Ladies,
I know that some ladies feel anxious after their BC for many reasons. I loved my BC but found it hard to adjust to my hair at the length it was. My solution when I don’t want to deal with my hair is braids.
BUT over the last 2 months I have had my hair in twist, redone every 2 weeks. Now with shrinkage my twists are short. But the more I see it, the more I get used to it and enjoy it.
Suggestion: Find a protective style that allows your hair to be seen, twists, braid outs etc... Try to enjoy your hair instead of hiding it away in braids or weaves. Also, keep in mind that once your hair grows out, you may miss the days your hair was short. Also, accept that it is a learning curve and your hair is growing!!1
Just my thoughts.

I agree with this! I threw out all of my wigs so that I wouldnt get the urge to wear them when I think my hair is too much to handle! So far so good!:yep:
Right after i cut my hair i bought a wig, because i wasnt sure if i was 100% ready to wear it out. Now 5 months later that wig is still in the package. I enjoyed my bc and i am enjoying my hair now, for me it was easier to chop and go from there, im and all or nothing type but any who... i totally agree with op. Enjoy it your hair wherever you are in your journey, whats the point if you never enjoy it.
My only issue is dealing with the cold weather in the UK. Sigh**

Can you keep it braided and baggied under a woolly cap till you get to work and then undo the braids and comb it indoors in the b/r? Once I get to work, I don't leave the building if I can help it till it's time to go home, at which time I put the baggy and cap/hat on. Your hair doesn't even have to know it's cold outside. I don't think my hair knows what snow looks like or how the air feels like when it's there. The only info it has of snow is what it sees through the window, if it's ever awake anyway to see. :giggle: Coz when we go outdoors, my head's under plastic and a hat or scarf.
thank you because i need all the encouragement i can get. i will find the solution to retaining moisture no matter what the costs
TemiLnd, you mentioned one thing about BC that is really a big thing: getting to know your hair from scratch. :yep: That was the fun part for me. I'd grown my hair in braids without products and had no clue how to care for it out of them. Which is how I ended up with the unwarranted BC: I went to a stylist to get ideas on styling long hair and she sho' showed me! :lachen: After getting over the shock, I realized that this was my opportunity to learn when I have less to work with so when I'd have more, I'd be a pro and would need no one's help. And I really did have fun. But I'm lazy, so once I knew what it takes to manage my hair out of braids, I braided it just coz I am not used to doing my hair daily and my patience is very thin.

One thing I'd like to mention, if you're 4-something (TemiLnd I keep forgetting the proper term till I see you use it! :rolleyes:), as soon as your hair can be formed into plaits, get into the habit of plaiting it at night. It'll keep tangles at bay and prevent flat head and if you baggy, take down and styling in the AM will be a joy.
thank you because i need all the encouragement i can get. i will find the solution to retaining moisture no matter what the costs

That's easy. Put on a plastic cap before you go to bed. And make sure you're using a moisturizing product...not just some dry product. If you need a suggestion, especially if the avi is where you are now, I beg you to try S Curl alone. If you apply to damp hair after washing, it'll comb OK and dry hard, but apply again at night, comb and then put on a cap for the night. You won't need to apply more in the AM and you will never wonder how to retain moisture. At night just baggy.

When your hair is about 3 inches long, start to braid it in big square plaits at night before you baggy. You'll have a blast. ;)
Nonie I totally hear you on the scarf and beanie. That’s what I’m doing now. I may add the baggy too - I do that a few times a week.
I was the same; I grew up with braids and never really needed to know how to deal with my hair. Now it's in twists and I will be using cornrows to grow it out which keeps it protected and neat. In summer time, I can enjoy leaving my hair out more. I am currently enjoying the journey and am learning a lot. My next style option may be crotchet braids since its cornrows underneath but we shall see.
Great thread. The first time I bc'd almost 10 years ago I didn't know anything about healthy haircare etc. I did fine with my twa but once my hair started growing out a little I got frustrated and ended up locking it.
When I cut off my locs I got really into "learning" my hair, figuring out my texture and what does and doesn't work for me. I think it was helpful for me to start doing this while my hair was short rather than wear weaves etc until it got long. For me at least, I think it helped me know what my hair did and didn't like early on so now as it gets longer I have a much better routine/ fewer setbacks. Now sometimes I miss my twa and looking at how cute Addy and Newport look with theirs kind of makes me want to go back to it.
I think you've all made good points. Hiding your newly natural hair away may make it harder to learn how to care for it properly in the long run but if you are trying to grow it out the best protective styles [IMO] are weaves, braids and wigs.

I'm wearing yarn braids at the moment as part of my C&G regimen not to hide my hair but to protected it from this freezing damp UK weather which dries it out like crazy. I actually miss my hair when it's in braids but it's better than letting it get damaged by this winter weather...even the indoor heating is too drying for my precious strands.:nono:
Once spring arrives I can't wait to be sporting my afro, puffs and twistouts etc in between my plaiting up phrases. I'm so madly in looooooooooooooooooooove my kinky coily hair!:lick:
That's easy. Put on a plastic cap before you go to bed. And make sure you're using a moisturizing product...not just some dry product. If you need a suggestion, especially if the avi is where you are now, I beg you to try S Curl alone. If you apply to damp hair after washing, it'll comb OK and dry hard, but apply again at night, comb and then put on a cap for the night. You won't need to apply more in the AM and you will never wonder how to retain moisture. At night just baggy.

When your hair is about 3 inches long, start to braid it in big square plaits at night before you baggy. You'll have a blast. ;)

i was really about to throw away my bottle of s curl but i will try it with the plastic bag tonight.