BC...is it nessesary?


New Member
Ive been transitioning for a year now, and quite frankly I'm terrified of the BC!:perplexed Is it better for your haqir to BC, i mean growth and health wise? Or can i jus snip off the relaxed hair little by little with no big problems?
No, you don't have to BC. You can cut little by little off if that is what you want to do. However, you will have to cut the relaxed ends off, whether it be with progressive trims or just a huge cut.....
That's what I did. I let my hair grow out for a year, just snipping a bit off here and there, allowing me to adjust to my new head of hair without the shock of the BC and trying to figure out what to make of the new length. However, many, many other ladies here were perfectly successful just getting the BC over with.

There is no wrong way. So, whatever you are most comfortable with is what you should do. :)