
New Member

I BC'd October 2008 and I am not at all pleased with my progress.
My hair is between 12-16 inches long, depending on where on my head I measure and after almost 4 years of growing (including transitioning) is not something to write home about.

I am a smidgen past APL, hopefully I will be BSL by December 2011....or not :nono:

Here is my wet hair from March so I have gained about 1" since then. I am on a No Heat personal challenge for 2011 so I am not straightening to check my length.



My ends are fine, it's just my looser texture that hangs lower when it's wet.

Where is your hair now? Any thoughts on your progress thus far?

I just wanted to say that I always admire your hair any time you post. I BC'd in 2010 but I had my last relaxer in October of 2008 so we have similar starting points. My hair is now mid-back in the back and between collar bone and APL in the front (I can't decide if I just did a terrible job BC'ing or if those are my natural layers). My goal has always been to reach WSL 3 years after my last relaxer and barring any major setbacks between now and October I think I will reach my goal, or be really really close. I hardly ever straighten my hair (2 or 3 times a year) and I can count on one hand the days that I have worn my hair down and not in a bun. I love bunning and it has been very good to me. The longer my hair gets, the prettier my buns get, so I don't really want to stop. I wore my hair in my second wash and go ever today, and while I really like the way it looks I miss my bun, and will be going back to it tomorrow. I keep a semi-strict regimen/styling plan because I have length goals and don't mind working hard to achieve them.

I hope that helps!

I BC'd October 2008 and I am not at all pleased with my progress.
My hair is between 12-16 inches long, depending on where on my head I measure and after almost 4 years of growing (including transitioning) is not something to write home about.

I am a smidgen past APL, hopefully I will be BSL by December 2011....or not :nono:

Here is my wet hair from March so I have gained about 1" since then. I am on a No Heat personal challenge for 2011 so I am not straightening to check my length.



My ends are fine, it's just my looser texture that hangs lower when it's wet.

Where is your hair now? Any thoughts on your progress thus far?

I was dec 2008 but cut down to 1/4" of hair and now I am apl with 9" of hair on my head. Where were you when you started counting? Like in oct 2008 after you cut how much hair was left on your head?
I was dec 2008 but cut down to 1/4" of hair and now I am apl with 9" of hair on my head. Where were you when you started counting? Like in oct 2008 after you cut how much hair was left on your head?

I transitioned for one year, so I had about 6" of hair after I BC'd.

I just wanted to say that I always admire your hair any time you post. I BC'd in 2010 but I had my last relaxer in October of 2008 so we have similar starting points. My hair is now mid-back in the back and between collar bone and APL in the front (I can't decide if I just did a terrible job BC'ing or if those are my natural layers). My goal has always been to reach WSL 3 years after my last relaxer and barring any major setbacks between now and October I think I will reach my goal, or be really really close. I hardly ever straighten my hair (2 or 3 times a year) and I can count on one hand the days that I have worn my hair down and not in a bun. I love bunning and it has been very good to me. The longer my hair gets, the prettier my buns get, so I don't really want to stop. I wore my hair in my second wash and go ever today, and while I really like the way it looks I miss my bun, and will be going back to it tomorrow. I keep a semi-strict regimen/styling plan because I have length goals and don't mind working hard to achieve them.

I hope that helps!

That was very helpful to me. I wore my hair out too much having length goals. So now I have to wait longer. Had to learn the hard way.
BC class of 2008 checking in! I BC'd in August 2008 at 1". Had a setback in 2009 but now at APL....I guess Im alright considering I wasn't properly handling my hair in the beginning.
Wow, I was hoping more people had actually BCd in 2008. Maybe they will show up.....I know there were lots of BCs around the time I chopped.

I hit 3 years on Monday. I started my transition in June 2007, so I went a year before I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed my mama and my scissors. I'm somewhere between BSL and MBL. I'd probably be full MBL, but I have had a few SHS run-ins.

You know I love your hair, OP :grin:
BC class of 2008 checking in.... I BC'd in August of 08... I've had like a couple of set backs...so i'm not as far along as i'd love to be. Last time I checked I was in between SL and APL, closer to the APL side...that was a couple of months ago..guess I need to do a length check one of these days...
Although I am not in the BC Class of 2008, let me state my humble opinion.
First of all I love your Avatar and your signature. The protective style is simple and lovely. Second, you have GORGEOuS hair!!! I know you may not be pleased with it now, however as you stated in your fotki...your focus will be on health of the hair rather than length. You have done a beautiful job in caring for your hair. Do not get discouraged Chica. You are much admired!!! :) KUTGW
Your hair is pretty and even. How often and how much do you trim?
Comparing your length to Dras her hair is only slightly longer than yours. This and the evenness of your hair leads me to believe that the difference may be related to the use of scissors.
Although I am not in the BC Class of 2008, let me state my humble opinion.
First of all I love your Avatar and your signature. The protective style is simple and lovely. Second, you have GORGEOuS hair!!! I know you may not be pleased with it now, however as you stated in your fotki...your focus will be on health of the hair rather than length. You have done a beautiful job in caring for your hair. Do not get discouraged Chica. You are much admired!!! :) KUTGW

You are too kind. Thank you so much :blowkiss:

Your hair is pretty and even. How often and how much do you trim?
Comparing your length to Dras her hair is only slightly longer than yours. This and the evenness of your hair leads me to believe that the difference may be related to the use of scissors.

Thank you so much. I (hate to admit this) have only trimmed once since i BC'd, my hair was in good condition so I only trimmed an inch.
I think I will hold off on the CO washing, i do it every day which I think might be a little much, I will see if less manipulation might help.

I hope to hear more ladies chime in, I know there were a surge of BCs at the time I did mine.
I bced in dec 2008 after an 8 month transition.i am approxamatley about an inch from bsb.im not sure becuase i havent worn my hair straight in a while. My biggest set back was cutting out most of my layers in march which im very glad i did. i have been enjoying my hair and wear it out often so i am not upset at my progress at all.

Your hair is beautiful and thick and even! You made plenty of progress in this time period. Many people who have WL in 3 years since the bc usually have a crapload of layers to grow out as well.... Grow and retain at your own pace and enjoy the journey :)
I BC'ed in march of 2008 after 13 months of transitioning.

I believe it was the fall of that year that i starting texlaxing ( I used to be bone straight before transitioning).

I just made HL last month. However i went to have it layered for my wedding & the b**** cut off about 4 inches. I've been so pissed I haven't done an official length check but I just streched my hair now to see and it seems to be right around WL.
I transitioned for a long time, then BCed in 2008. I am past BSL right now, but I don have any pics because I don't do much to my hair. I'll make an update thread. I remember your BC because I did mine in May and I remember when others were doing it that year too. i think youve made great progress since, even if you don't. I see it.
I BC'd In June or July of 2008. My last relaxer was Nov 2007. I've had quite a few setbacks and I have cut off a total of about 6 inches. My hair is currently 1-2 inches from BSL.
I know how we can sometimes be our own worst critic. I think your hair looks great :) You know where you may have hindered your retention, make your corrections, I wish you well :)
Thank you so much. I (hate to admit this) have only trimmed once since i BC'd, my hair was in good condition so I only trimmed an inch.
I think I will hold off on the CO washing, i do it every day which I think might be a little much, I will see if less manipulation might help.
One trim since 2008? And I thought I was doing something with one trim a year!

Good luck in trying out a lower-manipulation routine. I hope it works out for you. Your thick hair at waist length would be really impressive. :lick:
Heeeyyyyy Conterria!!...I technically BC'd in 08 and im actually exactly where you are hoping to be BSL by Dec 2011 too!!!!

I guess I need to take some recent growth pics, especially since my nappiversary is in two weeks...

Im kinda not really satisfied with my growth, and also mad at myself for slacking in the last few months...But I am also aware that I have alot of shrinkage so I don't let it get to me much...

if you are APLish now you will def be BSL by Def, dont stress yourself. You hair is beautiful and well nourished...I could've sworn you were already past BSL to MBL, because your hair appears thicker and longer than mine...

June 08' (wash go)

April 11' (wash n go)

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