BBD Stretch Question....


New Member
I hear some of you rave about the product and have to admit I'm a little curious. But.....I really want to know why there aren't any ingredients listed? Isn't there some kind of FDA regulation about listing ingredients?
Has anyone done any research to find out what is in BBD Stretch?

I heard that reason he does not put ingredients on his products is because he doesn't want them to be copied. This is also the reason his products aren't easily accessible. He has tight control over the distribution.
BBD want's to monopolize the whole game. I don't see how he gets away without having a product ingredient label. Is that even legal since it's for consumer use? I am suprised he hasn't been sued yet for someone claiming it jacked up their hair.
I did a little research and came up with this:

Maybe this product is protected under "Trade Secrets". I;ve got a friend that works for the FDA and he was telling me that one of the BBD products was recalled - not the stretch or glass. He's going to do a little research and get back to me. I'll post what he finds.

Note: Not trying to knock his product, just trying to find out what's in it.