Battle of the ORS Conditioners


Well-Known Member
I love ORS conditioner as you all know:lachen:. I've been using ORS olive oil masque as my only conditioner, but I remembered my love of ORS Nourishing conditioner.

I decided to do a conditioner off. I wanted to take both my favorite conditioners through my normal routine to see which one came out on top. I washed and then I put the Nourishing conditioner on one side and the masque on the other.

The side with the Nourishing conditioner had immediate slip and while the masque had slip it wasn't as much. I only put conditioner on while showering so at the most both these conditioners set on my head in the shower 30 minutes.

My findings: The nourishing conditioner had more slip and it was 2x easier to detangle. In the end they both left my hair feeling exactly the same. Soft and fluffy. I like the Masque better because the smell is stronger. The nourishing conditioner has a light scent that doesn't last.

The olive oil scent lasts until next wash. Plus the masque comes in a bigger tub. I also like the consistency of the masque better. It's thicker and creamer. the nourishing conditioner is more gelly like.
I've never tried the conditioners you mentioned. I only use the replenishing conditioner. Are the ones you mention worth a try?
I've never tried the conditioners you mentioned. I only use the replenishing conditioner. Are the ones you mention worth a try?

I love these two conditioners and they are definitely worth a try. I used the replenishing conditioner in the past, but it stopped working for me. I will revisit it soon. I have a ton of paks.