Bath and Body Works (Marraige Prayer Circle)


Well-Known Member
(Found a previous email that I hope will be an encouragement for the marraige prayer circle.)

Bath and Body Works

Ruth 3:3- "Now do as I tell you-take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don't let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking."

I love to indulge in long, hot bubble baths and pamper myself with a fragrance that's subtle and refreshing. In today's passage Naomi instructs Ruth to take a bath and prepare herself for the man who would be her future husband. She had to wash off the hurts and disappointments of her past in preparation for her prospective mate, and Naomi wanted to ensure that Ruth didn't lose her vision for the future. God will open doors for us, but until we have dealt with the past, we won't be ready to go through them. We will miss out on new possibilities and opportunities.

Naomi directed Ruth to put on perfume, which is symbolic of the anointing. It sets you apart and will empower you to be and to do all that God has purposed for you. What excites me about her instructions is that she also told Ruth to get dressed, and that's my word to you today. Get dressed for something that hasn't happened yet, because God only blesses prepared people. You may not have a chance to get ready. You never know whose path you might cross. It could be a prospective mate, future employer, or stranger who is in position to bless you. So take a bath, put on your best clothes, leave your comfort zone, walk in obedience, use your all access pass, and let your body work, in God's perfect timing, to receive your blessing.

Prayer: Father, thank you for spritzing us with your love, grace, and provision. We want to give off an aroma that is pleasing and acceptable unto you.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
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(Found a previous email that I hope will be an encouragement for the marraige prayer circle.)

Bath and Body Works

Ruth 3:3- "Now do as I tell you-take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don't let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking."

I love to indulge in long, hot bubble baths and pamper myself with a fragrance that's subtle and refreshing. In today's passage Naomi instructs Ruth to take a bath and prepare herself for the man who would be her future husband. She had to wash off the hurts and disappointments of her past in preparation for her prospective mate, and Naomi wanted to ensure that Ruth didn't lose her vision for the future. God will open doors for us, but until we have dealt with the past, we won't be ready to go through them. We will miss out on new possibilities and opportunities.

Naomi directed Ruth to put on perfume, which is symbolic of the anointing. It sets you apart and will empower you to be and to do all that God has purposed for you. What excites me about her instructions is that she also told Ruth to get dressed, and that's my word to you today. Get dressed for something that hasn't happened yet, because God only blesses prepared people. You may not have a chance to get ready. You never know whose path you might cross. It could be a prospective mate, future employer, or stranger who is in position to bless you. So take a bath, put on your best clothes, leave your comfort zone, walk in obedience, use your all access pass, and let your body work, in God's perfect timing, to receive your blessing.

Prayer: Father, thank you for spritzing us with your love, grace, and provision. We want to give off an aroma that is pleasing and acceptable unto you.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
This made me cry...just beautiful!
This is lovely - and a very necessary reminder for me.

Thanks OP and whoever bumped this thread!
(Found a previous email that I hope will be an encouragement for the marraige prayer circle.)

Bath and Body Works

Ruth 3:3- "Now do as I tell you-take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don't let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking."

I love to indulge in long, hot bubble baths and pamper myself with a fragrance that's subtle and refreshing. In today's passage Naomi instructs Ruth to take a bath and prepare herself for the man who would be her future husband. She had to wash off the hurts and disappointments of her past in preparation for her prospective mate, and Naomi wanted to ensure that Ruth didn't lose her vision for the future. God will open doors for us, but until we have dealt with the past, we won't be ready to go through them. We will miss out on new possibilities and opportunities.

Naomi directed Ruth to put on perfume, which is symbolic of the anointing. It sets you apart and will empower you to be and to do all that God has purposed for you. What excites me about her instructions is that she also told Ruth to get dressed, and that's my word to you today. Get dressed for something that hasn't happened yet, because God only blesses prepared people. You may not have a chance to get ready. You never know whose path you might cross. It could be a prospective mate, future employer, or stranger who is in position to bless you. So take a bath, put on your best clothes, leave your comfort zone, walk in obedience, use your all access pass, and let your body work, in God's perfect timing, to receive your blessing.

Prayer: Father, thank you for spritzing us with your love, grace, and provision. We want to give off an aroma that is pleasing and acceptable unto you.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

That's an interesting perspective because the mikveh or ritual bath (souce of living water...spring) is used to cleanse body and soul, dipping 12 times to remember the 12 tribes of Israel (you don't actually bathe in it...but before). Interesting point about perfume, maybe tying into olive oil used in the Temple. Hmmm. I have a feeling..... You and Shimmie continously have the best posts on this subject!
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ok that was amazing, I know we all already know that but the way it was worded it acted as a beautiful reminder :) thank you