Basic grocery store haircare . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Do you buy the "basic" grocery store brand for certain products (i.e., castor oil, olive oil) or do you buy a version that's specially formulated for hair care (i.e., Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil or Castor Oil)? I've been doing the latter, but I'm wondering if I should just buy the basic stuff you'd get on the shelf with the crisco or laxatives :spinning:

Any thoughts?
Are there any differences or advantages to doing one over the other?

I'm not sure . . . hence my post! I'm really interested to know if folks have had different/better results using one type over another. Fortunately, the "hair" fomulated versions of these products are somewhat cheap, so it's not as if you're breaking the bank by getting the hair version over the "grocery" version . . . .

i prefer finding as much as i can in the grocery store. your evoo, glycerin, castor and coconut oils, honey, even the Crisco :grin: are not only food grade (healthier) but are more economical (cheaper) than those formulated for hair-only.

commercial products also usually have alot of fillers and unnecessary additives that your hair and scalp really don't/can't benefit from (cause it saves lots of $$ in due to mass production :grin:).

i prefer finding as much as i can in the grocery store. your evoo, glycerin, castor and coconut oils, honey, even the Crisco :grin: are not only food grade (healthier) but are more economical (cheaper) than those formulated for hair-only.

commercial products also usually have alot of fillers and unnecessary additives that your hair and scalp really don't/can't benefit from (cause it saves lots of $$ in due to mass production :grin:).

This is EXACTLY how I feel; especially the bolded. All of my oils, honey, etc are always from the grocery store.

i prefer finding as much as i can in the grocery store. your evoo, glycerin, castor and coconut oils, honey, even the Crisco :grin: are not only food grade (healthier) but are more economical (cheaper) than those formulated for hair-only.

commercial products also usually have alot of fillers and unnecessary additives that your hair and scalp really don't/can't benefit from (cause it saves lots of $$ in due to mass production :grin:).

I agree...Id rather just buy the stuff off the shelf in its pure form, u are getting more for your money and no fillers/additives. Also the hollywood beauty has some of that kind of stuff in a jar and its mostly mineral oil and petroleum with whatever the beneficial ingredient is being way down the list.
I didn't like all the extra additives that were in beauty products, that's why I started making my own blends at home. I don't have any of those fillers, just 100% pure oil. So I'll stick with my own.
I prefer the groc store items.

I bought some Indian cooking almond oil. And it's the best thing. It's doesn't make the hair feel crunchy like other oils I've ordered and tried.
I didn't like all the extra additives that were in beauty products, that's why I started making my own blends at home. I don't have any of those fillers, just 100% pure oil. So I'll stick with my own.

exactly. make your own from the basics & you know you're getting quality with no fillers -- and usually for less money too :grin:
Give me the 100% real thing. All those parabens and fillers just weigh it down and reduce its effects.

I get castor oil off of the laxative shelf, the glycerin from the first aid aisle and olive oil located next to the cooking grease.

Less expensive, natural and more effective. :yep:
Just yesterday, I picked up some plain old castor and olive oil, saw the Hollywood Beauty brand just around the corner in the next aisle and it was almost six times more than plain brands. I'll just stick with the plain brands. They seem to work very well for me anyway.
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i prefer finding as much as i can in the grocery store. your evoo, glycerin, castor and coconut oils, honey, even the Crisco :grin: are not only food grade (healthier) but are more economical (cheaper) than those formulated for hair-only.
commercial products also usually have alot of fillers and unnecessary additives that your hair and scalp really don't/can't benefit from (cause it saves lots of $$ in due to mass production :grin:).

co-signing, especially on the bold :yep:!

P.S. I'm always looking for someone else who uses Crisco :grin:!
I buy my soy oil, olive oil, avocado, and honey from the grocery store.

If I buy an oil blend, or butter I use a brand for the hair i.e. Wonder 8 oil, Kemi Oyl, and Elasta QP mango butter.

i prefer finding as much as i can in the grocery store. your evoo, glycerin, castor and coconut oils, honey, even the Crisco :grin: are not only food grade (healthier) but are more economical (cheaper) than those formulated for hair-only.

commercial products also usually have alot of fillers and unnecessary additives that your hair and scalp really don't/can't benefit from (cause it saves lots of $$ in due to mass production :grin:).

What she said if its good enough to eat its good enough for my hair:grin:
I agree with Sweet Cashew. When you buy beauty brands, there are usually some kinds of additives and the percentage of the ingredient you're buying for i.e olive oil may be really small. I'm grocery store allll the way, and I get better results this way too.
got crunchy ends? crisco works wonders. i also use it when i have an itchy scalp :blush:

am i a bad person? :lachen: