Barry Fletcher product update......


Well-Known Member
Lindy this is especially for you. I have been using my products for the past 2 weeks and I have already used all of the moisture therapy conditioner. I did not purchase the big jar that you purchased, but my hair is natural and it takes so much conditioner for be to ensure that my hair is thoroughly conditioned, anyhow it is all gone. I wasn't that impressed. I did enjoy that it was very stimulating on my scalp (because of peppermint) but the shampoo that i ordered also had peppermint in it. Now i do love the shampoo because it stimulates my scalp and it smells so refreshing. The liquid moisture and the grease were products i also ordered, and again i can't say i was impressed. The only product that i will re-order is probably the shampoo. Anyhow on a scale from 1-10 i probably will rate the products a 5.5, but this is just my opinion. It might work differently for someone else's hair.
Hey fancypants,

I don't think I have the same conditioner as you, because mine didn't have that minty feeling... Anyway, I kind of agree with you about the Barry Fletcher stuff. I do like it, but to be honest, I haven't used the conditioner again since that first time!! I just have so much other stuff that I also like!!

I do like the shampoo that I have though. Again, mine isn't that minty one, it's the regular moisturizing shampoo and it has a kind of coconuty scent.

As for the liquid moisture, I agree that it's just ok. Last night I dumped half the bottle into my spray concoction that I made up for the summer!!
I would say that I liked the barry fletcher products better on my relaxed hair and not with natural. I didn't care to much for the minty conditioner called major moisture. I like the moisture thearpy conditioner a lot better. I'm sorry you didn't like the products as much as I do, but like you said something different works for everyone.