Bargello Regimen REALLY WORKS!!!!


New Member
Ladies, I don't remember if I told you or not, but I started the Bargello regimen a little over three weeks ago. I got my color retouched on March 6th. I measured at week two and had an inch of new growth!!! Now not fully into week three from the touchup I measured again and have new growth averaging from 1" to 1-1/2"!!!!!

This is SOOOOOOOOOO exciting!!! My hair has never grown this fast before. It's so soft and shedding is almost nonexistent.

I never would have guessed that vitamins would make this type of difference in my hair.

(I'm using every ounce of willpower that I have to keep myself from upping the dosages ...
Congrats Justice!

I guess you could say I'm on the Bargello regimen too for about 6-7 weeks. My hair is weaved and I'm trying to hold out until next Friday to take it out. When I hear stuff like this it gets really tough but I'll hang in there. Keep growing!

Slowly, but surely
Congratulations Justice4alw,
That's wonderful!! Can you post your vitamin regimen? Are you following the Bargello regimen exactly or a modified version? Which supplement brands do you use?
Sorry for all the questions!
P.S. I really enjoyed the layout of your website. It looks awesome!
Thanks for the congratulations, everyone! Needless to say, I'm sooooo excited!!!

Jen, I'm following the Bargello regimen exactly.

These are the product brands that I use:

Calcium - Basic Nutrition
Silica - Nutrition Warehouse
Evening Primrose Oil - Nature Made
Flax Seed Oil - GNC
Women's Complete I - Vitadvance (Multivitamin sold by Avon)
Ultra Nourishair - GNC
Biotin - GNC

Hope this helps!
Hey Justice!! I'm excited for you!!! What kind of growth were you averaging before you started Bargello's regimine? What is your biotin intake now and what was it before? I read that she upped her's to about 7,000 or something like that (that may be an underestimate). So you're saying you got about and inch and a half in 3 weeks!!!??? Whoa mama!!

B.T.W.... Are you in law? (asking because of your name)
Wow justice4alw, congratulation! I that rate of growth you will reach your hair goal in no time.

Before I started Bargello's regimen I was averaging about 1/4" per month. Every now and then I would get 1/2" (usually in the summer).

Before this I was not taking biotin at all. On this regimen I'm getting 1200 mcg of biotin from my Ultra Nourishair and I take an additional 2500 mcg along with that, so what ... a total of 3700 mcg a day. I've been tempted to up my dosage to 5000 mcg a day based on the info that I've read on other threads. I may just try that, but I don't know how I could get better results than I'm getting now.

I don't know if I'll get this same rate of growth consistently, but on this go round it was indeed an inch and a half in three weeks. My beautician is going to pass out when I go back to get my color retouched.

No ... LOL! ... I'm not in law. The "alw" part of my screen name represents my initials. The "Justice" part represents a reminder and encouragement that justice is coming one day for a wrong that I suffered some years ago.
Thanks, Zanna! I just read your "Feature of the Month" (I posted on the congratulations thread.) If I get even HALF of your length I'll be MORE than ecstatically happy!!! ...
Thank you for the compliments Justice4alw.
See it that way: you get 1 to 1/2 inches per month so by next year you will have between 6 to 12 inches of growth! Wow! Imagine what you will get in 2 years! You will get there in no time. Just keep doing what your are doing, 'cause it works.
Justice... See this shows how everyone's body responds differently. I've upped my biotin (GNC's brand) to 3,600 mcg. My new growth is waaaay softer than it used to be, most likely due to the MSM so I guess it seems like I'm not getting as much as I used to. Go figure! I used to be able to feel the layer of FUZZY WOOL on my scalp but the last touch up I felt as though I really didn't even need on because of the lack of FUZZ.
I'm wondering if it would be because my total biotin intake is coming from a combination of sources... GNC's Nourishair (600 mcg), B-Complex (600 mcg.) and then 4 additional GNC's biotin @ 600 mcg each. I ordered PP's and am itching for it to get here to see if the brand may make a difference.
Congratulations on the growth spurt.

I didn't believe that it would work and now I see it does.
Oh, yes, ny2atl! I forgot to mention that my hair texture is changing too. I've gone from being 3c around the edges with 4a throughout the rest of my hair to 3a around the edges and the rest is inching ever so slowly to a 3b or so. It's very, VERY soft and my coils are getting more wavy.

I've always been skeptical of vitamins, but this experience has made a believer out of me.
Crysdon, I tell you, no one is more surprised than me. I was really skeptical when I started this regimen. When I measured (with a ruler no less) I still didn't believe it so I had my husband measure it, my dad measure it, my sister measure it, and my mom. On top of all that, I measured it again MYSELF.

As I said in an earlier post I don't know if this growth rate will continue consistently, but I'm truly grateful for the results that I got this month. In addition, the benefits that I've received in terms of softness, strength, and minimal shedding have made this vitamin regimen more than worth it in my opinion.
Justice I am so excited and happy for you. Its always good to hear success stories. That is just fantastic!!
I am SO happy for you!! And this type of thread is so refreshing!! It put a smile on my face.

THIS is the type of stuff I come here for!!

Hair tips, and to read hair success stories!!

Keep up the good work!! I've actually been slacking on my vitamins recently, so on Monday it's back on point!

Congratulations on your accelerated hair growth! Posts like yours keeps me encouraged when I feel my hair is at a stand still.

I've patterned my vitamin regime around Bargello's by adding more supplements. As many pills as I take my hair should reach around the block somewhere! I just have no patience.

But keep posting encouraging updates & girl...I'll be posting with hair growth updates of my own!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Justice4alw said:
These are the product brands that I use:

Calcium - Basic Nutrition
Silica - Nutrition Warehouse
Evening Primrose Oil - Nature Made
Flax Seed Oil - GNC
Women's Complete I - Vitadvance (Multivitamin sold by Avon)
Ultra Nourishair - GNC
Biotin - GNC

[/ QUOTE ]

hey justice i belive that the good lord will deliver the justice u r waitin for, he always takes care of his children
now back to yo vitamin dosages what dosages areu takin of the supplements that u listed?? pliz post coz all that length is enuf to make a sister want to up her dosage
Thanks again, everyone, for your words of congratulations.

Ngaa, I follow the Bargello regimen exactly. I'll post the dosages when I get home if you need me to, but in the meantime I think that there's a thread here that describes Bargello's.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Justice4alw said:
Thanks again, everyone, for your words of congratulations.

Ngaa, I follow the Bargello regimen exactly. I'll post the dosages when I get home if you need me to, but in the meantime I think that there's a thread here that describes Bargello's.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are right...there is a thread on this. I just bumped it. BTW, congratulations on your GREAT results. Thanks for sharing. I needed to hear this after I trimmed my hair yesterday.

Take care,

Hey Justice...

girl, that is great!!
Congratulations! Just curious though- I think I remember bargello's regimen also includes a protein drink.. did you opt to do that or take any aminos?
Thanks so much, Asha!

Smilz4u, I opted to use the protein powder. Before I was using a brand whose name I can't remember right at the moment (something about a Zone). Now I'm using Puritan Pride's 90% Protein Powder. I mix it with chocolate soy milk, two packs of Equal, a banana, and a couple of ice cubes in a blender. In this way, it tastes very close to a milk shake. I'm going to start adding strawberries to it next week along with the banana.