Barber vs. Stylist


New Member
I am fairly new and this is my first thread.

I have not been to a hair salon in three years (all day visits; stylists not knowing the difference between a cut and a trim, etc., etc., etc.). I have ben trimming my own ends, but I have to say that for me practice does not make perfect in this area.

I was discussing this with my sister, who said she goes to the barber shop for her trims, twice a year. The rest of the time she styles her own hair and it is in very good shape. She said I should go my husband's barber because he is comfortable with him; my husband can attend with me, and there is less of a likelihood that I will have too much hair trimmed.

I wanted to know if anyone has their hair trimmed by a barber versus going to a hair stylist.

I trim and style my hair myself but for my mini bc to get rid of my permed ends I went to my dad's barber. He cut what I told him to and that was it. I pointed out where my permed ends were and he actually told me "no your permed ends actually start here I will cut those ends as u want and that is it. If you want a shape up or style let me know, I know how regular stylist do" IMO they are not scissor happy and do EXACTLY what you ask.
Thank You!

This is why my sister said she goes to a barber instead of a stylist. She said she gets exactly what she wants and for under $10!:grin: