

Well-Known Member
Hello Sisters in Christ, I am going to be Baptized on September 22nd. I am so elated and anxious. My life has been so wonderful since I have accepted Christ as my personal savior and stopped fighting. I am so happy, the relationships in my life have done nothing but become wonderful, my children, friends, family and even the friendships or so called ones that were toxic and just not good for me or any one for that matter have been removed. I 've even had to deal with some hard situations and God has walked me right through them and I willingly walked without kicking and screaming. God is sooooo good. I just had to share this we you ladies. God Bless!
birdie said:
Hello Sisters in Christ, I am going to be Baptized on September 22nd. I am so elated and anxious. My life has been so wonderful since I have accepted Christ as my personal savior and stopped fighting. I am so happy, the relationships in my life have done nothing but become wonderful, my children, friends, family and even the friendships or so called ones that were toxic and just not good for me or any one for that matter have been removed. I 've even had to deal with some hard situations and God has walked me right through them and I willingly walked without kicking and screaming. God is sooooo good. I just had to share this we you ladies. God Bless!

aww! (hugs) Praise God! I love this. Congratulations and welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven. (God's way of doing things) It's a fabulous walk and journey with Christ. I am soo happy for you. just always keep Him centered and always remember your real birthday. The day you turned your life to Christ.
luv ya
birdie said:
Hello Sisters in Christ, I am going to be Baptized on September 22nd. I am so elated and anxious. My life has been so wonderful since I have accepted Christ as my personal savior and stopped fighting. I am so happy, the relationships in my life have done nothing but become wonderful, my children, friends, family and even the friendships or so called ones that were toxic and just not good for me or any one for that matter have been removed. I 've even had to deal with some hard situations and God has walked me right through them and I willingly walked without kicking and screaming. God is sooooo good. I just had to share this we you ladies. God Bless!

Congratulations, Angel. May you always have the joy of the Lord ruling and reigning in your heart and your loved ones. May you always have His peace.

Sure enough you were able to experience, "...though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death...I will fear no evil for thou art with me..." You got through that rough total peace, no kicking or screaming. Your heavenly Father is proud of you...

Loving blessings,