Bantu Knot twist out


New Member
Oh my goodness! I am sooooo excited. Thanks to Pookeylou's fantastic step by step directions, I was able to style my hair in Bantu Knots. It was so cute, and it was just my first attempt. Scurred of me!!! My hubby had the nerve to ask me who did my hair? You know I was cheesing from ear to ear!
And then this morning I took them down and my hair was so adorable. THe funny thing about natural hair is the many different textures and different effects you can get from one style. I used Pookeylou's directions but my hair came out looking totally different from hers. I thought her hair was really nice, but I am so pleased with the way mine's came out. I think this is the first time I have styled my own natural hair, and really liked it. I mean I really really like it!!
I have my hair in bantu knots right now. I do them when I do a heavy moisturizing treatment and leave it like that for a while so the moisture and oils can really penetrate versus just a bun. for some reason my youngest gets freaked out when he sees my hair like that. he actually cried the first time he saw them and today he told me to put my hair back like this -while motioning as if he was doing a ponytail-so he could love me again!
Congratulations Annointedaka! I haven't tried Bantu knots yet but I will one of these days (I need to read up on it first). What a compliement from your husband!

Godzooki it's so cute about your little boy. I wonder why it makes him cry though... By the way, I just saw your most recent pics and it looks like you reached your bra strap goal!
annointedaka said:
Oh my goodness! I am sooooo excited. Thanks to Pookeylou's fantastic step by step directions, I was able to style my hair in Bantu Knots. It was so cute, and it was just my first attempt. Scurred of me!!! My hubby had the nerve to ask me who did my hair? You know I was cheesing from ear to ear!
And then this morning I took them down and my hair was so adorable. THe funny thing about natural hair is the many different textures and different effects you can get from one style. I used Pookeylou's directions but my hair came out looking totally different from hers. I thought her hair was really nice, but I am so pleased with the way mine's came out. I think this is the first time I have styled my own natural hair, and really liked it. I mean I really really like it!!

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AWWWWWWWWW HECKY NAW!!!!! You tried it!!! I am SOOOOOOOO glad! Did you take pics? I wanna see, I WANNA SEE!!!!
godzooki said:
I have my hair in bantu knots right now. I do them when I do a heavy moisturizing treatment and leave it like that for a while so the moisture and oils can really penetrate versus just a bun. for some reason my youngest gets freaked out when he sees my hair like that. he actually cried the first time he saw them and today he told me to put my hair back like this -while motioning as if he was doing a ponytail-so he could love me again!

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Day 2 and still looking good! Thanks for all the positive feedback. Since bantu knots are like a protective style I can see wearing my hair like this on a daily basis, freak out all these white folks that live around me! LOL...just kidding. Unlike a regular twist out which only lasts one day for me, my hair looks just as good today as it did yesterday! I know I will need to wash it out soon though. Hopefully this style will help me to regain some length. I wish I had a digital camera
Congrats! I've only been wearing twists but I think I may try bantu knots as well. Thanks for telling us your results!

I love the bantu knots for moisturizing treatments and would love to go to sleep in them but I end up with headaches and unable to sleep cause I can't find a comfortable postition. any ideas? I part them so I can lay on the back of my head but the pressure from the pillows still make the sides press in to my head and I am a side sleeper so I end up rolling. I don't know why my youngest hates my bantu do's so. He's practically scared of them! my oldest just laughs his head off at me and says I have cow horns. huh?
Isis, I'm trying to reach bra strap. I swear it seems my right side is practically there so I'm hoping the back and left side decide to catch up. I might be short by an inch or two after my next touch up. wont know until then though and thats in March. wish me luck!
annointedaka, I'm glad that you're having success with your knots!